Module 10 Fitness学案



以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的 Module 10 Fitness学案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。

 Module 10 Fitness学案


1. fitness

1) 健康(n.)physical fitness 身体健康 He wrote a book about fitness.

2) fit(adj.)健康的、合适的 keep fit/ healthy I eat three apples a day to keep fit.

2. ache

1) 疼,痛(v.&n.) He felt ache in his hand.

2) headache, stomachache, toothache

3. exercise

锻炼,练习(n.) do/ take exercise You should take more exercise.

4. interest

1) 兴趣(n.) take interest in 对…感兴趣

2) interesting (adj.) interested (adj.) be interested in…

二 你知道下列短语吗?能用它们造个句吗?

1. a bit,

2. give up,

3. stay fit/ healthy,

4. take a lot of exercise,

5. do weight training,

6. go running,

7. talk about,

8. bump into,

9. look like,

三 你知道定语从句吗?看看语法书吧!

whose 在定语从句中的用法

whose 是定语从句中一个常用的关系代词,表“ …… 的”之意;它可以指“人的”,也可以指“物的”;既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。

例句:I have got a friend whose father is a policeman.



1. 父亲是教师的那个女孩学习非常好。

The girl _________________________ studies very well.

2. 那个绿皮书是我的。

The book _______________________ is mine.

3. 他住在房门朝南的那个房间。

He lives in the room _____________faces south.

4. 戴红色眼镜的那位女士是我的老师。

The woman is our teacher ______________ are red.

Unit 2预习导纲


1. tasty

1) taste 品尝,唱起来 (v.)

I enjoy the soup very much. It tastes good. taste为系动词,后跟形容词。

味道,口味(n.) Everyone has his own taste.

2) tasty 可口的 Have some sandwiches, they are tasty.

2. behave

1) behave 举止,表现(v.) Now you are a big boy and you must behave better.

2) behaviour 举止,表现,品行(n.) She is a good student and her behaviour at school is very good.

3. persuade

1) persuade 说服;劝服(v.) It's impossible to persuade him.

persuade sb. to do sth. eg. I will try to persuade my mother to buy me a new bike.

2) persuasion 说服;劝服 (n.)

3) persuasive (adj.)有说服力的

4. prefer

(v.) 更喜欢,宁愿,宁可 常常与to 连用构成

eg. I prefer English to Chinese.=I like English better than Chinese. 我喜欢英语胜过语文。

He prefers subway train to bus. 他宁可坐地铁也不做公交车。

5. diet

1) 饮食 (n.) It's important to have a healthy diet.

2) be on diet节食 It seems that lily is on diet. She looks slim now.


1. go back 2. be like 3. find out

4. healthy food 5. in the end 6. agree with

7. all over 8. ban from 9. improve diet


1. be bad for….

2. refuse to do sth.

3. persuade to do sth.

4. decide to do

5. need to do

6. prefer to do

7. sb. spend time on



如:The cup whose lid I have lost is still nice. 那只被我丢了盖子的杯子仍旧很好看。

(whose修饰先行词cup, 在从句中作定语)

The house whose windows are green is worth 200,000 yuan. 那座绿色窗户的房子值二十万元。



1. 如果先行词指人,“whose+名词”可以改为“the+名词+of whom”。如:

The girl the father of whom is a teacher studies very well.

= The girl whose father is a teacher studies very well. 父亲是教师的那个女孩学习非常好。

2. 如果先行词指物,“whose+名词”可以改为“the+名词+of which”。如:

He lives in the room the door of which faces south.

= He lives in the room whose door faces south. 他住在房门朝南的那个房间。



1.I have a friend. Her father is a doctor. ______________________________________________

2.There is a boy in our team whose parents want him to go to a sports school.


第一课时:(听说课) Unit 1 I’ve got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics.


Step 1.课前预习检测(根据学生情况,可以二选一)

1. 英汉词组互译。

1)保持健康 ____________________ 2)放弃 ___________________________

3)足够强壮 ____________________ 4)做大量的锻炼 ___________________

5)谈论 ________________________ 6)看起来像 _______________________

7)bump into ____________________ 8)do weight training__________________


ache, interest, weight, fit, strong, a bit, exercise

1) You’ll make your back ________ if you carry too many things.

2) Going running is the best way to keep ______ for us.

3) You should take a lot of _________ every day.

4) It can make you _______ and healthy.

5) Do you do any _______ training.

6) You look _______ tired.

7) She has no _______ in dance at all.

Step 2 听力训练(Activity 3)

听第一段对话,完成1-3小题(beginning – Lingling3)

( ) 1. How did Tony find the basketball training?

A. Boring. B. Tiring. C. Exciting.

( ) 2. Who is training for the Olympics?

A. Tony. B. Daming. C. A brother of Lingling’s friend.

( ) 3. What will the boy in Daming’s team need to do?

A. He needs to do a lot of exercise.

B. He needs to eat more food.

C. He needs to see a doctor.

听第二段对话,( Lingling3– ending),填写表格信息

Whose camera to be nearly lost Tony’s ________ camera

Where to nearly lost the camera at the school _________

What to need photos for the next __________ match

Who wanted to see Betty the ____________

What did Daming say to Betty Good __________

Step 3语法讲练(Activity 3)

1 请在对话中找到下列各句,你知道它们的意思吗?

1) I’ve got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics.

2) There’s a boy in our team whose parents want him to go to a sports school.

3) It’s my father who gives me my pocket money.

4) He’s the person whose camera I nearly lost.

5) He doesn’t look like someone whose fitness and health interest him very much.

2. 请同学们观察画线部分在句中的作用,句子中包含了什么语法项目。

3. 举一反三。


I have a cat ________________ is Mimi.


Please don’t sit on the chair ___________________ is broken.


The girl is my good friend _____________________ is a doctor.

4. 完成P84 Activity 1.

Step 4 当堂检测

1. 单项选择。

1)In fact, Tom didn’t know the old man helped him just now. (2011•西城一模)

A. whose B. which C. / D. who

2)If you want _____ healthy, you should take a lot of exercise.

A. keep B. kept C. to keep D. keeping

3)The room is ______ to hold all the students.

A. enough big B. big enough C. small enough D. enough small

4)We aren't allowed _____ basketball in the class.

A. to play B. playing C. play D. played

5)The woman ______ came to school yesterday is my aunt.

A. who B. whom C. whose D. which

6) Would you like to give me the cartoon book _______ cover has a mouse?

A. that B. whose C. who D. which

2. 完成句子。


____________________ if you want to catch up with them.


You need to ______________________ to keep fit.


I’m not ________________ to reach the books on the shelf.


He _____________________________ for his mother.


Yesterday we visited Mr. Zhang ________________________________ last year.

第二课时:(阅读课) Unit 2 Jamie is a cook whose idea are changing school dinners.


Step 1.课前预习检测


1) healthy food ________________ 2) find out _________________________

3) ban from ___________________ 4) in the end ________________________

5) 对…有害处_________________ 6) 同意某人的意见 __________________

7) 遍及 __________________ 8) 改善饮食 ___________________

Step 2. 阅读训练。

1. 主旨阅读:

P 1 a. What is the healthy food

P 2 b. Getting things done

P 3 c. What's on the menu

P 4 d. improve school meals

2. 细节阅读: 阅读课文,回答下列问题。

1) What did the children have for their meals?


2) When did children behave very bad?


3) How did the children and the cook know about food in the school?


4) What is healthy food?


5) What should the government do to improve the school meals?



Typical school meal

Disadvantages of junk food

Healthy food

Making changes to the diet

3. 阅读提升:


A. He also found the people who worked in the kitchen didn't know about the food and health.

B. He thought it's a problem that the children in school were eating junk food.

C. In the end, they began to like the food Jamie cooked.

Jamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to improve school dinners. In 2005 he went back to school to see what the children were eating. ___1___ So he took the vegetable s into class but the children didn't know them. They knew little about healthy food. ___2___He taught them about the healthy food. He cooked healthy meals for children, but a lot of the teenagers refused to the new food. Jamie showed them why the junk food wasn't healthy. ___3___He advised the government to ban junk food from schools, train the cooks, educate the children and spend more money on school dinners. The newspaper and TV station began to support him. His idea changed school dinners all over Britain. X k


When Jamie ___1___ vegetables into class, the children didn’t know what they were. Jamie ___2___ that the children didn’t know about healthy food. Then he talked to the people who worked in the ___3___. He found out that they didn’t know ___4___ about food and health, and they didn’t have very much money to spend.

He decided to teach cooks and the children about healthy food. It was ___5___work! He cooked healthy meals for them ___6___ meat, rice, pasta and vegetables, but a lot of the teenagers ___7___ to eat the new food. Jamie showed them ___8___ the junk food wasn’t healthy. In the end, when Jamie ___9___ them to try his cooking, they liked it!

( ) 1. A. took B. carried C. bought D. fetched

( ) 2. A. knew B. realised C. learned D. guessed

( ) 3. A. offices B. gyms C. labs D. kitchens

( ) 4. A. little B. bit C. enough D. any

( ) 5. A. easy B. hard C. busy D. free

( ) 6. A. including B. increasing C. introducing D. indescribing

( ) 7. A. agreed B. refused C. decided D. offered

( ) 8. A. where B. when C. what D. why

( ) 9. A. made B. let C. persuaded D. kept

Step 3 巩固加深

1. 请在课文中画出下列重要词组。

1) go back; 2) be like; 3) find out ;

4) healthy food; 5) in the end; 6)agree with;

7) all over; 8) ban from; 9) improve diet

2. 你理解下列句子的含义吗?www .xkb

1) Jamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to improve school dinners.


2) Children whose middy meals were difficult to teach in the afternoon.


3) Jamie Oliver is a cook whose idea are changing school dinners all over Britain.


3. 你还记得下列句型吗?在课文中找到它的原句。

1) be bad for….

2) refuse to do sth.

3) persuade to do sth.

4) prefer to do

5) sb. spend s.t. on



It's too difficult to learn math and I ______________________ English.

2). 去年我说服妈妈给我买了台电脑。

I ______________________ buy me a computer.

3). 老人们每天都花一个小时锻炼。

The old __________________________________ exercises every day.

4). 你最好别吃太多冰淇淋,对你的胃不好。

You'd better have too much ice cream , it ____________________ your stomach.

5). 她拒绝和Sally一起去看电影。

She _______________________ a film with Sally.

Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)

1 单项选择(语法)

( )1. –This is the most interesting experiment_______ I have ever done at school.

A. who B. when C. where D. that

( )2. He’s the person ______ camera I nearly lost.

A. that B. which C. whose D. who

( )3. There’s a boy in our team _____parents want him to go to a sports school.

A. which B. that C. what D. whose

( )4. Look! The man ____ is in black is a famous painter.

A. which B. who C. where D. when

( )5. I like these volunteers ______ are always friendly and easygoing.

A. who B. which C. what D. whose

2 完成句子(句型)

1). 垃圾食品对汤姆的健康没好处,我们应该阻止他吃。

Junk food Tom’s health. We should stop him from eating it.

2). 他昨天拒绝来参加我的生日聚会。

He _______________________to my birthday party.

3). 孩子们需要每天花半小时去看书。

Children need to __________________________________ books.

4). 上周日我姐姐说服我跟她一起去购物了。

My sister ______________________shopping

5). 我家离公园不远,我更愿意走着去那。

The park is not far from my home, so I _____________________ there.

第三课时:(写作课) Unit 2 It’s still read and loved.


Step 1 课前复习检测

1. 英汉词组互译

1) go back to school ________________ 2) junk food ____________________

3) find out ________________________ 4) decide to do ___________________

5) healthy food ____________________ 6) refuse to do ____________________

7) in the end _____________________ 8) ban from ____________________

9) agree with ____________________ 10) all over ____________________

2. 完成句子

1) 我妈妈拒绝吃垃圾食品。

My mother _____________________ junk food.

2) 垃圾食品对我们的健康没好处,所以我们应该少吃垃圾食品。

Junk food ______________________ our health, so we should eat less junk food.

3) 散步是最好的保持健康的方式之一。

Walking is _______________________________ to keep health.

4) 我们需要在学校禁止垃圾食品。

We ____________________________________ from schools.

5) 保持健康对每个人来说都很重要。

______________________________________ keep healthy.

Step 2 写作训练




谈谈你是如何通过饮食和锻炼来保持健康的?你还有哪些建议与大家分享? fruit, vegetables, meat, ice-cream, water, junk food

run, play basketball, watch TV, play computer games, have enough sleep

happy, helpful, friendly, nervous,

1 1话题:

审题: 2 时态:

3 人称:

1 开头: 1

构思: 2 信息点: 2

3 结尾: 3


1 It, very important, everyone, keep healthy.


2 We, can, spend, an hour, playing, ball games.


3. It, very important, us, take more fruits , vegetables.


4 There, are, many ways, keep healthy.


5. We, had better, eat vegetables, fruit



1. 没有健康的体魄我们无法好好学习与工作。


2. 多吃水果蔬菜对我们来说很重要,因为里面有维生素D。


3. 每天做运动使我们的身体更强壮。


4. 我们应该保持均衡的饮食。


5. 保持适中的体重是个好办法。



______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

第四课时:(复习课) Unit 3 Language in use.


Step 1. 课前复习检测

1. 英汉词组互译

1)保持健康 ____________________ 2)放弃 ___________________________

3)谈论 ________________________ 4)看起来像 _______________________

5) healthy food ___________________ 6) find out ________________________

7) ban from ______________________ 8) in the end ________________________

9) go back to school _______________ 10) all over ________________________

2. 完成句子

1). 王先生决定戒烟了。

Mr.Wang smoking.

2). 年轻人需要做大量的练习来保持健康。

Young people to keep healthy.

3). 垃圾食品对身体有害。

Junk food ___________________________our body.

4). 这里不允许照相。

Taking photos __________________________ here.

5). 说服他同意我们的观点是很困难的。

It’s difficult _____________.

Step 2 词汇训练

1. 你还记得这些词组吗?

U1---- a bit, give up, stay fit/ healthy, take a lot of exercise, talk about, bump into, look like,

U2---- go back, find out, healthy food, in the end, agree with, all over ,ban from, improve diet

2. 请完成书上P85 Activity 5 & 8, 检验一下自己是否已经掌握。

Step 3 语法训练

1. 梳理语法:whose引导的定语从句的用法:


如:The house whose windows are green is Mr Zhao’s.




2. 当堂训练:根据中文提示完成句子。


He is the only student in our class_________________________________.


The book_________________________________is mine.


He’s the person ___________________ I nearly lost.


That’s the woman______________________ is very polite.

3. 完成P84 Activity1 & 2和workbook中的有关练习

4. 练练吧

1) He has a friend _______ father is a doctor.

A. who B. whom C. whose D. which

2). I once lived in a house _______ roof has fallen in.

A. which B. that C. what D. whose

3). Do you like the book _______ is yellow?

A. whose cover B. which cover C. cover whose D. cover which

4). The student _______ invented a new kind of toothbrush is from our school.

A. whose B. which C. who D. what

5). She is a school girl ________ wants to be an astronaut in the future.

A. who B. whose C. which D. where


请你以“Follow me, you will be more healthy”为题,为大家列出保持健康的10条建议。



Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)

1. 请将下面两个句子合并为一个含定语从句的句子。

1). Tony is my friend. His brother is a lawyer.


2). The woman has a lovely son. His name is David.


3). She is our English teacher. Her hair is very long.


4). Betty is my sister. Her favourite hobby is drawing.


5). No one now lives in the room. Its windows are broken.


2. 完成句子

1). 你应该改善你的饮食。

You .

2). 他不够强壮去搬那个重箱子。

He is not the heavy box.

3). 我认为这件大衣有点贵。

I think the coat is _______________________________.

4). 我们都同意他的观点。

All of us ______________________________________.

5). 他的父母说服他不再玩太长时间电脑游戏了。

His parents persuaded him ___________________________________.

6). 拒绝帮助他们是很不礼貌的。

It’s not polite ______________________________________.

威廉希尔app 初三英语教案



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