


以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的 九年级英语上册Unit6集体备课教案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。


1.心,内心 21.不喜欢

2.渔夫 22.轻柔的,柔和的

3.使…感兴趣 23.类型,种类

4. 品尝,尝起来 24.歌词

5.诚实的 25.最近的

6.无论什么 26.等级,级别

7. 主要的 27.味道好的

8.错过,遗漏 28.照片,相片

9.饼干 29.展览,陈列(短)

10. 风险,危险 30.意见一致(短)

11.实验室 31.与…保持距离(短)

12.增加,增大 32.对…有害(短)

13.癌症 33.老实说(短)

14.活力,力量 34.提醒某人某事(短)

15.显示,暗示 35.很合某人的意(短)

16.它自己 36.随音乐起舞(短)

17.课程 37.不同种类的(短)

18.期待 38.过得很愉快(短)

19.甜的 39.在热天(短)

20. 更喜爱 40.去度假

Sunny, May 1st

I have been here in Singapore _____(和) my family for a week. This country is actually a __________(城市). It’s small but clean. This morning it was _______(晴朗的),so we go up________(早) and went to the beach. I ________(打) beach volleyball with others. My parents walked _________(缓慢地) on the soft sand. We _________(全体) had a good time there. In the evening, we arrived at Night Safari. We saw a young _______(老虎). It was very cute!

Tomorrow my parents will _______(带去) me to the Singapore Flyer, which is the ________(最大的) Ferris wheel in the world! It’s an exciting place. I am looking forward to it.

威廉希尔app 初三英语教案



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