初三英语Unit 3 教案



To learn the usage of the structure should be allowed to do.

To learn to agree and disagree.

4.Teaching Difficult Points

To learn to talk about what you are allowed to do using the structure should be allowed to do and learn to agree and disagree.

To train students' listening, speaking, readin g and writing skills.

5.Studying Way

Teach st udents how to express agreement and disagreement in daily life.

Ⅱ.Language Functions

1.Talk about what you are allowed to do.

2.Agree and disagree.

Ⅲ.Target Languages

1.I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.

I disagree. I think sixteen is too young.

2.Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs?

No, I don't.


Should+be allowed to


1.allow. pierce, silly, stay up, drive, driver's license

2.Do you think …?

3.I agree.

4.I disagree.

5.I don't agree.


wild, serious, calm, young, old, weekend, choose, clothes, take a test, fail a test, pass a test.

Ⅶ.Learning Strategies


2.Transforming information

Ⅷ.Teaching Time

Seven periods


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