


初中寒假作业是不是一直困扰这你呢?不用担心,威廉希尔app 小编为你带来了九年级英语寒假作业答案:北师大版啦,是不是很让你兴奋呢?那就快来看看吧!

Exercise Ⅰ   基础知识练习   Ⅰ.   1. energetic lively   2. confident   3. satisfied   4. fatter   5. realized affect   Ⅱ   1. having   2. easily   3. saving cooking   4. to drink   5. staying going   6. Eating unhealthy   7. to leave   8. playing   9. staying to play   10. relaxed colourful   Ⅲ.   1. is divided into   2. is suitable for   3. plenty for   4. gave up   5. to learn more about   Ⅳ.   1. C   2. C   3. C   4. D   5. D   6. D   7. A   8. B   Ⅴ.   1. buy nice gifts for   2. thoughtful of to become   so that become   3. preferred sleeping to going   to sleep better than going   4.isn`t anything wrong   5.to get to   6.How cold is   7.is laughed at by   8.What does represent   Ⅵ.   1.practical pay attention to   2.silly not to forgive mistakes   3.patient enough to getting   4.celebrations   5.Wearing to take action   6.in a bad mood anyone   7.painted into blue to bring peace   8.to study hard hand in on time   9.when to study when to play how to achieve a balance   10.gets terrible relax and go on a holiday   Ⅶ.   1. B   2. D   3. B   4. B   5. B   6. B   7. A   8. C   9. B   10. D   Ⅷ.   1.P.E.teacher   2.Nora Norton   3.22   4.15 Franklyn Road in Chesterton   5.speak Japanese and English very vell.good soccer player.be good at volleyball and tennis   Ⅸ.   略   Exercise Ⅱ   Ⅰ.   1. tight   2. famous   3. admire   4. realize   5. needed   Ⅱ.   1. amazing   2. will be held coming   3. going   4. cleverer the cleverest   5. cheaper   6. better   7. interested hearing unusual   8. highly   9. living   10. had been   Ⅲ.   1. highest   2. coldest   3. small   4. same   5. useful   Ⅳ.   1. A   2. B   3. C   4. A   5. C   6. B   7. B   8. C   Ⅴ.   1. shorter than   2. than the other   3. was chosen to play the lead role in this film   4. if he would come back the next day   5. where I parked the car yesterday   Ⅵ.   1. too short to   tall enough to   so short that can`t   2.didn`t go until came back   3.favourite TV programmes   Like best   4.from to   5.cooking while watching TV   6.insisted played the role actress of this film   7.had learnt 5 English songs   8.spend some time together   9.should pay more attentions to   10.Why not go   Ⅶ.   1. A   2. B   3. A   4. B   5. C   6. D   7. B   8. B   9. D   10. A   Ⅷ.   1. Beijing Foreign studies university   2. Overseans tour guide   3. Yes. Because he is able to speak English and French fluently.   And has related work experience   4. send E-mails to him   5. He should helpful   Ⅸ.   1. A   2. D   3. C   4. E   5. B   Ⅹ.   略   Exercise Ⅲ   Ⅰ.   1. won   2. detective   3. colourful   4. drawing   5. replied   Ⅱ.   1. replied   2. free   3. value   4. devotes   5. spare   6. prove   7. hardly   8. directed   9. whether   10. heavily   11. accept   12. beyond   13. allow   14. divided   15. sleepy   Ⅲ.   1. full of   2. such as   3. up-to-date   4. get scared   5. passed away   6. put her effort into   7. not only but also   8. played the role of   9. took place   10. get along with   Ⅳ.   1. C   2. B   3. A   4. C   5. A   6. A   7. D   8. D   Ⅴ.   1. for us to hand in our homework on time   2. choice but to do it   3. how to achieve a balance between my study and hobbies   4. arrived out of breath   5. was charged with breaking into   Ⅵ.   1. and   2. are proud of   3. weighs   4. is made of   5. to research   6. safe   7. burn   8. walk   9. enough   10. scientists   Ⅶ.   1.C H   2.E G   3.B D   4.A F   5.You must listen carefully in class   Ⅷ.   1. passport   2. hotel rooms   3. weather   4. ID card   5. not carry a lot of cash   Ⅸ.   1. E   2. C   3. A   4. B   5. D

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的九年级英语寒假作业答案:北师大版,怎么样,大家还满意吗?希望对大家的学习有所帮助,同时也祝大家学习进步,考试顺利!





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