


( )55. Why did the cow die?

A. Because the angel of death came for the cow.

B. Becaus e the angel of death came for the husband.

C. Because only that way, the wife could be saved.

D. Because the angel of death came for the younger angel.

( )56.What does the passage want to tell us?

A. We should be ready to help angels. B. Things are not always what they seem.

C. Wealthy people usually refuse to help others. D. Poor people are always warm-hearted.


Technology is creating big changes in the music industry. Music lovers can listen to and buy music on the Internet. They can watch live concerts of their favorite artists online. And music makers as well as music industry officials use social media to reach and increase public interest.

Nick Sherwin who set up the famous band—Suburban Skies. He says 21st Century technology make it possible for a band to control its own future. "Social media is a wonderful thing, and being able to control your own art and not be signed by a record label(唱片公司)—to be your own record label is free." Sherwin says the Internet and social media have created possibilities for musicians. He says the new way to success is to give visitors more types of experience.

During an international meeting in Los Angeles, music industry officials said musicians are choosing to perform live across the country, with the drop in CD sales in the United States. Along with the popularity of live music there has been an increase in the number of music festivals, these events are advertised on social media. "Someone could make it in their bedroom and put it out online. Musicians can attract fans that way, online without anyone's help.” said Rotella.

Bob Pittman says music lovers are still listening to the radio, although there are new ways of finding music. He says 70 percent of Americans say they discover new music from what they hear on the radio. But Rob Light says radio will soon be a thing of the past in music industry. “I do not believe that radio is going to be as important to a 12-year-old today in five or six years, and if you are going to look forward, I think they are going to get information from other places and other source, like online.” he said.

( ) 57.The underlined sentence “radio will soon be a thing of the past in music industry” probably means ______.

A. radio will disappear in people’s life

B. people will discover music online rather than by radio

C. radio will be as important as it is now in our life

D. we won’t need radio in our life anymore

( )58.The passage mainly tells us ______.

A. Technology has brought changes in music industry B. CD sale drops in America

C. There are more music festivals in USA D. People can get music online

( )59. From the passage, what do you think is the main reason for CD sale drop?

A. People make less money because of the decline in economy.

B. People can get their favorite music online.

C. People’s taste in music has changed.

D. People are no more interested in music.

( )60. Suburban Skies is ______.

A. a musician B. a band C. a music lover D. record label


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