



一 1 quietly 2 protecting 3 providing 4 excited 5 frightened 6 natural 7 not to laugh

8 shaking 9 talking 10 length 11 wildly directions 12 alive/living 13 called

二 1 importance 2 delicious 3 Luckily 4 languages 5 unimportant 6 provides 7 brightly

8 impossible 9 popular 10 history 11 trapped 12 causes 13 over 14 advice

三 1 without saying a word was angry

2 an accident happened to on his way to school

3 crashed into a big tree no one was hurt seriously

4 didn’t calm down knew the result

5 survivor was trapped his best to get out of

6 The temperature will drop to

7 Since you are always late for decided to ask you to leave

8 It is difficult to calm down

9 so cloudy is getting worse and worse

10 calmed down was trapped in the dark

11 ran/were running in all directions

12 looked at each other in fear

13 walked past doing their homework carefully

14 rang while I was driving in

15 ran/were running wildly pieces of glass and bricks were falling down





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