


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇九年级上册英语寒假作业—单项填空,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!

16.The local government encourages people to plant trees every year.

A.thousand of B.three thousands C.thousands of D.three thousands of

17. we move the picture over there? Do you think it’ll look better?

A. What about B.What if C.How D.What for

18.Buses can slide on icy roads,but one of the workers came up a good idea to solve this problem.

A.with B.at C.on D.from

19.He has friends here except me,but he doesn’t feel .

A.many;alone B.few;lonely C.much;lonely D.some;alone

20.We should have in ourselves and we will make it if we have a try.

A.success B.confidence C.progress D.knowledge

21.There are books on the shelf.

A.plenty of B.a lot C.a plenty of D.a good many of

22.Miss Yang always helps others.She is very .

A.careful B.grateful C.useful D.helpful

23. Students not allowed to leave the classroom at that time.

A.are B.have C.was D.were

24.I read some good books than watch a bad TV program.

A.would rather B.would like C.had better D.prefer to

25.Thanks a lot,Tony.I can do it .

A.by me B.lonely C.alone D.my own






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