


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇初三上册英语寒假作业试题:数词,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!

1. 在三点三十分

2. 在二十世纪七十年代

3. 在1994年八月

4. 在2013年九月二十号

5. 在五楼五零二房间

6. 在八单元十五课

7. 在六年级六班

8. 在第41间教室里

9. 成千上万的学生

10. 跑得比我快三倍

( ) 30. There are ________ days in a year.

A. three hundred sixty and five B. three hundred and sixty-five

C. three hundreds and sixty-five D. three hundred sixty-five

31.The tree is ________ tall.

A. fourteen foots B. fourteen feet C. fourteen foot D. forty foot

32.Fifty plus ________ .

A. fourty is ninety B. forty is ninety C. thirty is ninety D. fifty is ninety

33.There are ________ students in this school.

A. four hundred fifty-two B.four hundreds fifty two

C. four hundred and fifty-two D. four hundreds and fifty-two

34.My home is about ________ away from the school.

A. three hundred metre B. three hundreds metres C. three hundred metres D. three hundred metre

35.December is ________ and last month in a year.

A.the twelveth B.twelve C.the twelfth D.twelfth

36. ________ of the teachers in the school are from colleges.

A.Three quarters B.Two-third C.Two fifth D.Two-ninth

37.There were two world wars during ________ century.

A.the twenties B.the twentieth C.twenties D.twentieth

38.In the forties, his father served in the New ________ Army(新四军),while his mother worked in the ________ Route Army(八路军).

A. Fourth; Eighth B.Four; Eighth C.Fourth; eight D.Fourth; eighth

39.We are learning ________ now.

A.the twenty-first lesson B.Lesson Twenty-first C.the 21 th lesson D.Lesson 21 st

40.He will stay here for ________ .

A.one and half month B.one and a half month C.one months and a half D.one and a half months

41.—What’s the date today?—It’s ________ .

A.nine B.Monday C.June 5 D.11:00

42.—Would you like to eat ________ apples?

—No, thank you. A.more two B.two more C.two another D.two else

43.He said he would come back in ________ .

A.one or two days B.o or two days C.one and two days D.a day and two

44.—How often do you write to your parents abroad?

— ________ .

A.Twice a month B.Second times a month

C.A second time a month D.second a time a month

45. ________ people died in the traffic accidents in the world.

A.Thousand of B.Thousands of C.Ten thousands of D.Ten thousand of

46.In the 1850s, about ________ was covered by forest in the USA.

A.third B.a third C.the third D.a thirds

47.This is her ________ birthday, I think.

A.twenty B.twentieth C.the twentieth D.the twenty’s

48.September ________ is Teachers’Day.

A.the ten B.tenth C.the tenth D.the ten’s

49.There are ________ children in the country school.

A.two thousand five hundred and sixty B.two thousands five hundred and sixty

C.two thousands five hundreds and sixty D.two thousand five hundreds and sixty

50. ________of the soldiers is about two thousand.

A. A number B. The number of C. A great number D. The biggest numbers of






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