



( )26. He _______ to school by bike, but now he_______ to school on foot.

A. used to going; get used to go B. get used to going; used to go

C. used to go; gets used to go D. used to go, gets used to going

( )27. He was supposed ______ here yesterday.

A. to come B. come C. coming D. comes

( )28. ─ Have you ever __________ my stamps?

─ Yes, I __________ them on your desk yesterday.

A. saw; saw B. seen; saw C. saw; seen D. seen; was seeing

( )29. ─You have made great progress in English.

─ __________.

A. So I do. B. So do I. C. So I have D. So have I.

( )30. I didn’t know what __________ to her last night.

A. was happened B. happening C. was happen D. happened

( )31. In China, about ______ of people _________ in cities now.

A. three fifths, live B. third fifth, lives

C. third fifths, live D. three fifths, lives

( )32. ----Have you found your sister _________?

----Thank you. I have _________ found her.

A. yet, yet B. yet, already C. already, yet D. already, already

( )33. Trees can stop the sand _____ towards the rich farmland in the south.

A. moveing B. from moving C. to move D. moves

( )34. Don’t give up ,_____ you will never succeed.

A. and B. but C. or D. while

( )35. There are five people in the room, but I know _____.

A. both of them B. all of them C. none of them D. neither of them

( )36. —How long have you lived in this town?

—_____ 2001.

A. To B. In C. Since D. Until

( )37. What can we students do _____ the environment?

A. protecting B. protected C. to protect D. protects

( )38. —Do you know him?

—I’m sure I’ve seen him _____, but I can’t remember the right place.

A. anywhere B. nowhere C. somewhere D. everywhere

( )39. It’s a good song, _____ the lyrics(歌词)are not good enough.

A. which B. so C. and D. though

( )40. She finished the work _____ as soon as possible. She’s very happy now.

A. succeed B. successful C. success D. successfully

( )41. I met my teacher I was walking in the street, but I didn’t say hello

to him.

A. before B. after C. until D. while

( )42. His close friend _____ for two years.

A. died B. has died C. has been died D. has been dead

( )43. The book cost so _____ that she didn’t buy it.

A. much B. many C. big D. expensive

( )44. ----________ the population of the U.S.A. in 2005?

----It ________ about 296 million.

A. What is, is B. How many is, is

C. How many was, was D. What was, was

( )45. Jim’s never been to the Great Wall before, ______ he?

A. has B. is C. hasn’t D. isn’t






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