


威廉希尔app 为大家搜集整理了初三英语寒假作业之语法练习,希望大家可以用心去做,不要只顾着玩耍哦!

1. Would you please ______________(not talk) in class?

2. He asked whether they ____________( arrive) in an hour.

3. He said that he ____________(come) to see us when he had time.

4. At that time , he was too young _________( look) after himself .

5. We didn’t know if they ____________ (have) a meeting the next week.

6. He opened the door and saw what was ______________(happen).

7. Li ping didn’t tell me that he ____________(be) there before .

8. How will Sam feel when ___________(travel ) by plane?

9. All the students are busy ___________(clean) the classroom.

10. ________ hundreds of trees _____________(plant) last year?

11. My father __________(be) back by the end of this year.

12. I don’t know the boys who __________(have) long hair.

13. He said he ________ never ________( see) such an __________(excite) match before.

14. They ___________ (write) two letters by yesterday.

15. The sport meeting ______________ (hold) unless it ___________(rain) tomorrow.

16. The thief ____________(catch) while climbing over the garden well.

17. I’m sorry that I _______________(not phone) you for a long time.

18. The girls are practicing _____________( sing) the new song.

19. Anyone who ___________(break) the rules will be punished.

20. My father ___________(work) in the shop for almost 10 years.

21. They said they ____________( start) as soon as the rain ___________(stop).

22. In the last years there ____________(be) great changes in computers.

23. I didn’t go to see the film last night because I ____________(see) it twice.

24. When ________the PRC __________(found)?

25. He said he ____________ ( buy) a shirt for his son later.

26 .He will be excited about _________(hear) from his friends.

27. The boy ________(ask) ______________(not draw) on the wall just now.

28. A book must ____________(read) more than once if you want to understand better.

29. Every year a large number of visitors _____________( attract) by the white sharks.

30. Children must _____________( teach) how to learn.

31. They are often seen ____________(step) on the grass.

32. They _____________(write) 8 compositions by the end of last week.

33. The trees should _______________( plant) around the lake.

34. ________ you _________(do) some shopping this time yesterday?

35. It ___________(stop) raining when I woke up this morning.

36. I hope my father _____________(not know) the news yet.

37. She didn’t say whether _____________(stay) here for another two days.

38. we were sure our team ___________(win) the next match.

39. I can’t get into the room. I _____________(forget) to take the key with me.

40. The meeting _____________(be) on for five minutes when I got there.

41. If she __________(come) tomorrow, let me know ,please.

42.By the end last year, they _____________(plant) three hundred trees.

43.Can this car ____________( mend) here?

44.While I ____________(buy) the tickets ,my wife ___________(look) at some flowers.

45. What _________(make) you ____________(think) I’m a farmer?

46. The dead leaves on the ground _______________(blow) by the wind.

47.They _____________(dig) holes this time yesterday.

48. I’ll send you an e-mail after ___________(check) the computer.

49.Great changes ____________(take) place in China since 1985.

50. The exercises _________________(must do) every day.

51. He says that he ______________(go) to Japan next month.

52. The lights _______ often ________ (turn) on after supper.

53. The shoes in your size ____________( sell ) out yesterday.

54. It’s the third time I ______________( see) him this month.

55. Such a thing ______________( never happen) before.






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