


14.We must speak to old people politely.(改为同义句)

Old people                              politely.

15.The man should be allowed to take a rest later.(改为一般疑问句)

the man              to take a rest later?


16.Mother d oesn’t allow me to go out alone        weekends.She is very stri ct       me.

A.in;with          B.at;in        C.on;in           D.at;with

17.I’ll be home late,but please don’t      for me.You’d better go to bed first.

A.stay up         B.wake up      C.fall asleep     D.go to bed

18.The old man needed      a rest,for he had done too much work.

A.having         B.to have          C. had            D.have

19.Hurry up!Your homework       in one hour.

A.must finish      B.will finish       C.must be finished    D.won’t finish

20.We’re going to have a        holiday next month.

A.two week       B.two-week        C.three week’s       D.three-weeks

21.-I am going out this evening.

-_______. You should finish your English project first.

A. I disagree   B. I’m sure      C. I think so    D. Not at all

22.-I think teenagers should not be allowed to get car licenses.

-I agree. They are not ______.

A. serious enough       B. something serious

C. nothing serious       D. enough serious

23. Swimming is good _____ our health, but at the same time we mustn’t forget the danger.

A. for     B. at     C. on        D. with

24.Her mother doesn’t allow her     earrings.

A.to wear         B.wearing         C.wear            D.wore

25.She      every Sunday volunteering in an old man’s home.

A.gives          B.spends          C.uses            D.takes


Students often talk about the rules that they must obey at school. For example, they have to   26   uniforms every day. They are not   27   to wear their own clothes. However, the problem is that none of the students believes the uniforms are   28   . They hope to look smart in their own clothes.But the teachers think that   29   they wear different kinds of clothes,they would not study   30  .Also the students should not be late for school.If   31  is late, the teacher will punish(惩罚)him or her. It is not allowed to take beepers(传呼机)or mobile phones into the classroom. During a test, the students should finish the paper  32   themselves. It’s wrong to talk about the answers wi th the other students. The students who are on duty should   33  the classroom before the others come to school. Any students can’t go out of the schoolyard    34   the teacher’s permission (允许). In the library, one  35   to love the books and talking aloud is forbidden (禁止).

26. A. put on    B. wear      C. on       D. in

27. A. allowed    B. allowing   C. allows       D. allow

28. A. ugly       B. clean    C. new    D. beautiful

29. A. if        B. which      C. when    D. why

30. A. careful    B. carefully      C. hard    D. harder

31. A. everyone      B. anyone      C. every one   D. no one

32. A. of        B. by       C. on       D. in

33. A. put up       B. hand up      C. use up       D. clean up

34. A. without       B. with      C. on       D. in

35. A. need       B. needs      C. needing   D. needed

Ⅵ.阅读理解 (每小题2分,满分20分)


My friend feels that every kid before a certain age (not sure what that age really is) can’t make his own decisions, but I don’t agree. I feel that young children have the ability to choose, and parents need to provide them with the tools to make that choice. With these tools, children can make decisions to benefit themselves and make themselves happy. I have always encouraged my children to make their own decisions, however, sometimes things change—usually when they go to school. When they are in school, do they have choices about things, such as what to learn and how to learn them? It is as if the children are not allowed to make their own decisions suddenly. Decisions are made for them! Will they be able to make decisions by themselves when they grow older? Many parents feel that it is easier to teach than to give  children space and time to learn on their own. Getting kids to make decisions and learning from the wrong ones take a long time. I guess there is still a lot to learn about being a parent.

36.What does the writer think of children making their own decisions?

A.Parents should push children to get certain goals.

B.Young children have no ability to make decisions by themselves.

C.It’s good to let children make their own decisions.

D.Before a certain age, children shouldn’t be allowed to make their own decisions.

37. According to the writer, what should parents do for their children?

A.Make decisions for them.           B.Teach them how to make the right decisions.

C.Let them make any decisions.       D.Help them change their decisions.

38.We know that the writer’s friend ______.

A.has a same idea a s the writer

B.always encourages children to make their own decisions

C.believes that children will know how to make a decision when they grow older

D.hopes that some changes should take place at school

39. The underlined word “benefit” probably means “______” in Chinese.

A. 使高兴        B. 使受益       C.使忍让       D.使动摇

40.What can we infer from this passage?

A. Many children are not given enough space and time to learn on their own.

B. The writer’s children always like to make decisions by themselves.

C. The writer’s children can choose what to learn at school.

D. It’s easier for parents to teach their children to make decisions.


The junior high school graduates have to take a P.E. test in many places around China.The full marks are usually 30 points and it counts for much in the senior high school entrance exam.

In Nanjing the test is held in April. Students have the test in their ow n schools. Each student is tested on three sports.They can choose long jump,basketball dribbling (运球) or volleyball.The pull-up is for boys and girls can choose the sit-up.Both boys and girls must skip in the test.

Most students find the test easy and more than 90%of them can get full marks.That’s because they have been training for it during the three whole years.Students in Junior Three usually do lots of practice in P.E. classes.The training makes the test easier than it seems to be.

Students in Nanjing don’t need to run a lot for the test,but students in Beijing must do lots of running for the test.Running is one of the sports in test.So in P.E. classes, they usually run a lot.Sometimes they have to run 3,000 meters in one class. Most teachers and parents welcome the P.E. test. They say it helps students build up their health.

41.The P.E. test in Nanjing includes all of these sports except       .

A.skipping           B.basketball        C.football       D.volleyball

42.Students in Nanjing have the P.E. test in        .

A.spring             B. Junior One       C.autumn       D.Junior Two

43.The underlined word “pull-up” means “        ” in Chinese.

A.仰卧起坐          B.引体向上         C.俯卧撑       D.跳高

44.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.All the students must be tested on skipping in Nanjing.

B.Few students in Nanjing  can get full marks in the P.E. test.

C.Students in Beijing needn’t  run during the test.

D.Students in Nanjing should take part in four sports in the P.E. test.


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