


(  ) 21. The shop is new, _____ it has been open only for three days.

A. for   B. and    C. but     D. so

(  ) 22. You needn’t sweep the floor, ______ it’s very clean.

A. and    B but    C. or    D. for

(  ) 23. Tom works hard, ______ he still failed in the exam.

A. yet    B. so    C. and     D. or

(  ) 24. I felt tired after the work, _____ I too a long rest.

A. so     B but     C. for     D. or

(  )25. I hate smoking, _____ I don’t like drinking, either.

A.  though    B. but    C. and     D. for

(  )26. ______ Saturday ______ Sunday is OK. I’ll be free in these two days.

A. Either; or     B. Neither; nor   C. Both; and     D. One; the other

(  ) 27. In spring it is_____hot _____ cold here.

A. both, and     B. either, or     C. neither, nor    D. not only, but

(  ) 28. Jim was very hungry ______ he ate all the cakes.

A. and    B. but     C. so     D. or

(  )29. Lilei passed his father this cup _____ asked for some more tea.

A. but    B. and     C.or    D. if

(  ) 30. Go along the street, turn to the left at the end of the street and _____ you’ll find the post office.

A. then   B. so  C. but    D. yet



1. The man can’t get on the bus because there ________ no room on it.

A. was      B. is         C. are          D. were

2. I was listening to the music ________ there was a knock at the door.

A. while    B. when      C. because       D. until

3. You may leave the classroom when you ________ writing.

A. will finish    B. are finishing     C. have finished        D. had finished

4. I don’t know if he ________ tomorrow, if he _________ ,I’ll meet him.

A. will come, comes           B. comes, comes

C. will come, will come        D. come, will come

5. ________ I read, the more I understand.

A. The more     B. So much        C. How much         D. For all

6. Would you give Johnny this letter if you ________ to see him this week.

A. will happen    B. happen         C. are happened        D. happened

7. She was busy, ________ she couldn’t go to your birthday party last night.

A. and        B. so         C. or          D. but

8. English is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world.

A. so…that     B. such…that       C. so…because    D. such…because

9. You will not succeeded if you ________ harder.

A. will work      B. won’t work        C. work          D. don’t work

10.Write clearly ________ your teacher can understand you correctly.

A. since       B. for         C. because     D. so that

11.________ he failed , he went on doing the experiment.

A. Even       B. Yet         C. Although    D. in spite of

12.The light went out while we ________ supper.

A. had      B. had had        C. were having        D. would have

13.His brother has worked there ________ he left school.

A. when    B. after      C. since          D. until

14.The boy didn’t stop talking ________ the second bell rang.

A. when     B. until        C. after            D. because

15. ________ I came into the office, the teacher were having a meeting.

A While      B. When    C. Once      D. Since

16.I was about to leave my house ________ the telephone rang.

A. while   B. as          C. when            D. since

17.It is at least ten years ________ these trees were planted.

A. when   B. before      C. since     D. as soon as

18.He will come to call on you the moment he ________ his painting.

A. finished  B. will finished   C. has finished    D. had finished

19.The teacher understands that ________ Maths had always been easy for him, it is not easy for the students.

A. since    B. unless        C. although         D. when

20.He ran as fast as possible ________ he could reach school on time.

A. in order to    B. so as to      C. when         D. so that


1. It ________ (be) nearly two years since we went to the party last.

2. He is hungry, because he ________ (not have ) his breakfast yet.

3.  When Tom’s mother came home, little Tom _______ (cry) loudly.

4. I ________ (not know) it until you ________ (tell) me.

5. They started as soon as they ______ (receive)my telephone.

6. He ________ (leave) as soon as he ________ (drink) his coffee.

7. Edison placed a big mirror behind the lamps so that the doctor ________ (operate).

8. He ________(be) better today than he ________ (be) yesterday.

9.  I hope you ________ (be) happy while you ________ (be)here.

10.Whatever ________ (happen) , I ________ (be) on your side.


1. He didn’t come. He was ill. (because)

2. He is too young to join the army. (so……that)

3. He studies English hard. He is over seventy. (though)

4. We will stay at home. It rains. (if)

5. He was doing his homework. Someone knocked at the door. (when)

6. I waited. He came back. (not……until)

7. He is tall. I am tall. (as……as)

8. My mother was cooking. I was listening to the news. (while)

9. It was a hot day. We couldn’t sleep well. (such……that)

10. He came into the warm room. He took off his cap and sat down. (as soon as)


1. He didn’t see the film yesterday ________________________________ (因为他忙于复习功课).

2. She has done a lot of good deeds _______________________________ (自从她入团以来).

3. The little girl stopped crying __________________________ (一看见她母亲).

4. The film is interesting _______________________ (以致每个人都想再看一遍).

5. When I came into the room, _________________________ (我父亲正在看书).

6. I will go out for a walk, ________________________ (如果明天不下雨).

7. Don’t ask me to repeat ________________________ (除非你真的不理解).

8.We will try to finish the work in time _____________________________ (尽管我们缺钱).

9. The quicker you work, __________________________ (这项任务就会完成得越早).

10. We left in such a hurry __________________________ (以致于忘了关灯).



Ⅰ. 1.and 2.or 3.but 4.so 5.then

Ⅱ.1—5 D C B B A  6—10 C C B A B  11—15 C A C D D  16—20 B A D A B

21—25 A D A A C  26—30 A C C B A


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