


第二节 将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将所填单词写在答题卷相应位置。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

71. It’s polite to keep our voice down ______________(在公共场合).

72. Life is like __________________ chocolates, and you will never know what you are going to get. (一盒)

73. _______________ every day is important. (说英语)

74.The teacher ___________________ (对…….严格) teaching students at school.

75. Could you please ___________ (想出) a good way to improve my English?

第三节      书面表达(满分10分)

假如你是李华,你的笔友Jim最近沉溺于玩电脑游戏,为此你很担心。请根据下表提示给Jim 写一封信,谈谈你的看法及建议。

Jim 过去 功课好,积极参加学校的各项活动。

Jim 现在 对学习没兴趣,上课不专心,不按时交作业。

你的看法 玩电脑游戏可能使你放松,但……

你的建议 (至少发挥两点)

要求:1. 词数80左右。2. 要点完整,层次清楚,语法正确。

Dear Jim,

I really feel worried about you.



Li Hua


第一节 听句子,选出与句子内容相关的图画,并将所选答案的字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

1. Lucy often asked her English teacher for help before the test.

2. If I were you, I would fly to Paris. Paris is a great place to go on vacation.

3. I like playing basketball better. I’m in the basketball club now.

4. I have a headache. I feel terrible now. I need to see a doctor.

5. Would you mind not taking photos here? Please look at the sign.

第二节 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语,并将所选答案的字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

6.I am sorry to trouble you.

7. How do you study for your math test?

8. You used to be short, didn’t you?

9. I have a lot of rules at my house.

10. Tom, your hair is too long.

第三节 听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项,并将所选答案的字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。每段对话听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


W: Could you do something for me, please?

M: Certainly! What would you like me to do?

W: Well, I’m going to Shanghai for my holiday. But I can’t take my dog with me. Could you look after it for me?

M: With pleasure!

W: Are you sure you don’t mind?

M: Yes, of course. Glad to help.

W: Thanks.

M: Not at all. How soon will you come back?

W: In two weeks.

M: Have a good time!


W: Who is your favorite player, Nick?

M: Bolt. He’s a famous running star.

W: Really? I don’t know him. Why do you like him?

M: I like him because he’s very cool and kind.

W: What does he look like?

M: He is tall and strong. And he’s very young.

W: When was he born?

M: He was born in 1986.

W: Well, why do you think he’s very kind?

M: Because he raised money for the children in poor areas

W: Oh, he is so great.

第四节 听短文,完成下列信息表格,并将所选答案的字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。短文听两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

Different countries and people have different  manners. Here  are  some  examples. If  you  visit  a  Chinese  family,  you  should  knock  at  the  door  first. When the door opens, you should  not  move  before  the host  says, “Come in, please.” Before coming into the house in Japan,  it  is good  manners  to  take  off  you shoes.  In  European  countries,  even  if  your  shoes  are  very  dirty,  this  is  not  done.  In  Britain,  a  guest always  finishes  the  drink  or  the  food  to show  that  he  enjoys it.  This  will  make the host  very  pleased.


第一部分   听力

1----5 BACCA       6—10 CCBAB     11—15 ABBBA   16—20 ACCAB

第二部分  英语知识运用

21——25 DACCD       26—30 DCABC    31—35 AABCC      36—40 CDADA

41—45 ADBCB           46—50  DABCD

第三部分  阅读理解

51—55 FFTFT   56—60 AADAC   61—65DABCA

66. first             67. proud          68. leaves        69. to have       70. really 71. in public     72. a box of     73. speaking English     74. is strict in

75. think up/come up with

范文 :

Dear Jim,

I really feel worried about you. You used to do well in your lessons and took an active part in the activities at school. But now you are so crazy about computer games that you have no interest in your schoolwork and don't listen to teachers as carefully as before in class. Also, you can't hand in your homework on time.

Perhaps playing computer games can make you feel relaxed, but if you spend too much time on it, you will have less time to study. And it may do harm to your health. For example, it can hurt your eyes and neck.

I hope you should achieve a balance between your schoolwork and your hobbies. Why not join in some outdoor activities when you feel bored? As your friend, I‘ll be glad to share your happiness and sadness.

Best wishes






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