


6. There ____________ a telephone call for you just now. (be)

7. -When _______ you ________ (come) to china?  -Last year.

8. _________ (be) it cold in your city yesterday?

9. How many people _______ (be) there in your class last term?

10.He __________(go) to school at nine yesterday .


例:I / sing. – I am singing.

1. Tom / dance.  ––

2. She / play. –

3. Amy / read a book. –

4. We / learn English. –

5. They / play football. –


1. I                (ride) my bike now.

2. Look! She               (play) basketball.

3. Amy and Sam            (do) their homework now.

4.What ______ she ______ (do) at this time?

5.______ you ________ ( sing ) an English song?Yes, I am.

6. We ________(study) hard these days because we’ll have a test soon.

八。、 选择

(  )1.My English teacher     thirty years old, but he      younger.

A. is, look      B .is, looks     C. am, look

(   )2. Jim     very hard.

A. studies      B. study        C. don’t study

(   )3. There     twelve months in a year and January


A. is, comes    B. are, come     C. are, comes

(   )4. Who     the kite now?

A .flies        B. fly           C .is flying

(   )5.      you usually      to school with classmates?

A. Do, comes   B. does, come    C. Do, come

(   )6.     she     home at six o’clock every morning?

A. Do, gets      B. Does. get     C. Do, get


1.I want to play table tennis with Gan Shan.

He   _____________________________________________________________ .

2. I surf the Internet on Saturday evening..

My father     _____________________________________________________________ .                     .

3. They study English , Maths  Science ,and Art.

Tom      _____________________________________________________________ .                      .

4. I usually play basketball with my friends.

Wang Bing    _____________________________________________________________ .                      .

5. My aunt likes growing flowers.

My parents   _____________________________________________________________ .                     .

6. What do you usually do on Sundays?

What   _____Helen    _____________________________________?

7. Do Su Hai and her family have any hobbies?

__________    SuHai’sfather      _______  ?

8 He grows beautiful flowers.

We  _____________________________________________________________ .                         .

二、 把下列句子改写成否定句。

1.I liked collecting animal stamps.

_____________________________________________________________ .                     .

2. I usually watch TV in the evening.

_____________________________________________________________ .                        .

3. She read magazines after school last week.

_____________________________________________________________ .                  .

4.My uncle is taking photos  now.

_____________________________________________________________ .                   .

5. Jim jumped very high.

_____________________________________________________________ .

6. He has some model ships.

_____________________________________________________________ .                    .

7. They listen to music after lunch.

_____________________________________________________________ .

8.We make model planes at five o’clock.

_____________________________________________________________ .                           .

三、 把下列句子改成一般疑问句并做肯定否定回答。

1.I got up at six o’clock three days ago


Yes,  ________________      .  /No,   _____________________              .

2. We usually write e-mails to each other on Saturday evening.


Yes,  ________________      .  /No,   _____________________

3. They had the same hobby in 1999


Yes,  ________________      .  /No,   _____________________

4.Suhai and Su yang like listening to music after school.


Yes,  ________________      .  /No,   _____________________

5.Helen watched TV last evening.


Yes,  ________________      .  /No,   _____________________

6. Gao Shan is studying English and Maths now.

__________________________________________________________    ?

Yes,  ________________      .  /No,   _____________________

7.My mother usually goes shopping on Sundays.

__________________________________________________________  ?

Yes,  ________________      .  /No,   _____________________

8.He played baseball very well four years ago.

__________________________________________________________    ?

Yes,  ________________      .  /No,   _____________________

四、 对划线部分提问。

1.I made clothes last evening.

__________________________________________________________   ?

2.  We want to go to the cinema with your brother.

__________________________________________________________    ?

3.They live in the same town.

__________________________________________________________ ?

4. My parents usually read books after supper.

________________________________________________________ ?.

5.Wang Bing surfs the Internet on Saturday afternoon.

__________________________________________________________    ?

6.He likes collecting animal stamps.

__________________________________________________________   ?


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