


28. ——____you do,you can’t change the situation.

——I see.

A.whoever    B.wherever    C.whatever    D.whenever

29. ——Where  have you been these days?

——I’ve been to some place_____I can take lots of photos.

A.what     B.which     C.that      D.where

30. ——It’s a good place to have fun.

——Yes,____people go there every day.

A.thousand of   B.thousands of   C.several thousands   D.several thousand of

31. ——It’s very kind of you to ______me_____.

——It’s my pleasure.

A.work  out   B.help  out   C.carry  out   D.take  out

32. ——How much did you ____the sweater?

——$100.It’s too expensive.

A.cost   B.spend   on   C. take    D.pay

33. ——Did you take a lot of photos during your visit to Wuhan?

——Yes. And I’ll show them to you as soon as they____.

A.try out   B.come  out    C.work out   D.take out

34. ——The math problem is so difficult for the twin sisters.

——No wonder____of them can work it out.

A.either   B.no one   C. none    D.neither

35. ——Oh,no.I can’t find my mobile phone.

——_____,You will find it.I’v just seen it on your desk.

A.Stay away    B.Take it easy    C.No problem   D.Bad luck

36. ——Mr Zhang has been made the most popular teacher in our school this year.

——He always has a way to make his class_______and interesting.

A.lovely    B.lively   C.alive   D.loving

37. ——Could you buy a pencil on your way to school for me?


A.It’s all right.   B.It’s easy.    C.With pleasure.    D.Youi’re welcome

38. ——Some students spend too much time playing computer games.

——Yes,it’s bad for them but they seem to be _____to the result of doing that.

A.blind    B.special   C.unable   D.disabled

39. ——We need to ____the time to have a meeting now.

——What about tomorrow?I’m too tired. today.

A.put up   B.fix  up    C.use  up    D.work  up

40. ——What’s the sound like that?

——Oh,he has a cold and he____his nose with his hand.

A.blows    B.cuts    C.washes     D.makes


I had the meanest mother in the whole world.  While 41kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have porridge, eggs or toast.When others had coke and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich..  But at least, I wasn't  alone when I was 42.My sister and tow brothers had the43mean mother as I did .

My mother 44to  know where we were at all time. She had to know who our friends were and where we were going. We had to clean clothes and take a 45every day . The other kids got to wear the same clothes for days . We could not lie in bed  “sick” in order to 46school .

The  worse  is yet to 47We had to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning.  We couldn't  sleep till noon like our friends.  So 48they slept , my mother  was brave to 49the Child Labor law.  She made us work..  We had to wash dishes, make beds, learn to  cook and all50of  things at home.  I believe she lay awake thinking 51all things  for us to do at home.

My mother was a complete failure as a mother .Two of her children received52education .53of us have ever been arrested  or divorced . She forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults .I am trying to54my three children this way . I am 55with  pride when my children call me mean. Because, you see, I thank God, He gave me the meanest mother in the whole world.

41. (   )A all           B.another       C.other         D.some

42. (   ) A happy        B.sad          C.ill            D.excited

43. (   ) A different      B.lovely        C.kind          D.same

44. (   ) A preferred     B.liked         C.seemed        D.didn’t want

45. (   ) A a walk       B.a schoolbag    C.a pair of shoes  D.a bath

46. (   ) A go to        B.leave          C.miss         D.finish

47. (   ) A to come      B.to go         C.to lose        D.to happen

48. (   ) A when        B.while         C.before        D.during

49. (   ) A obey         B.follow       C.break         D.catch

50. (   ) A all the        B.some        C.much         D.all sorts

51. (   ) A about        B.up           C.over          D.of

52. (   ) A, l ower        B. different      C. higher        D. worse

53. (   ) A None        B No one       C. Nobody       D. E veryone

54. (   ) A raise        B.feed          C.keep          D.have

55. (   ) A full         B. .fill          C. satisfied       D. filled



First read this map and then answer the following questions.

56.(   )If you want to go to City Center from Teacher’College,you should take _____there.

A.Bus No.10    B.Bus No.5   C.Bus No.4  DBus No.3

57.(   )You can find the Railway Station in_____of the city.

A.the center   B. northwest   B .middle schools D.northeast

58.(   )We can find two_____on this map.

A.supermarkets   B.lakes   C.middle schools D.hospitals

59.(   ).The Red Star Cinema is very close to _____.

A. the Public Library  B.the Great Lake  C.the Post Office  D.May Airport

60.(   )We can easily get relaxation in the _____of this city.

A.north  B.east  C.southwest D.northwest


Every year, over 40,000 secondary students in Britain run a business. "Each business runs for one

year," said Ben,one of the group of students visiting Shanghai. "When we started our business, we

borrowed money from parents and friends. At the end of the year,these people will receive some of the

profits(利润) ."I asked Ben if running a business was difficult.He said that it was no problem. He said

that they always received a lot of advice from teachers and business people.

Another member of the group,Regina,told me the four questions they always asked themselves.

The questions are:

l. What do people want to buy?

2. Where is a good place to sell the product?

3. How is our product better than other products?

4. How much is the product?

I was also very interested in how the group was organized.Regina said that there were usually about

five to seven students in each business and among them were one manager and one accountant (会计).

I asked them who was the manager."I am,of course,"said Regina. "It was my idea to produce picture

books,"she said. "They have been very popular with the other students." I also asked the students what

other people sold. "Other groups in our school sell things like T-shirts, videos and computer games,"said


"How much money do the businesses usually make?" I asked."Some businesses make;$20,000—$30,000  but most groups make a small profit of about $ 1,000一 $ 3,000," said Regina.I asked them what they did with the profits. "We can do what we like with the profits."However,Regina told me that it was important not to waste the money. She always told the other groups to give the money to charity.

Most students enjoyed running a business and all the students said that they had learnt a lot.

61. When the students begin a business, they _____

A. have made a small profit                  B. have got enough money

C. borrow money from parents and friends      D. borrow money from teachers and business people

62.The manager of this group of students is _____

A. Ben              B. Regina        C. a teacher          D. a friend of theirs

63. This group of students sold _____ as their business.

A. picture books        B. computer games      C. videos          D. T-shirts

64. The groups use the profits _____

A. for a party                   B. to give the charitv

C. for their parents and friends     D. in different ways


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