


go right  正常运转

do the homework做作业

make friends with…与……交朋友

fill out=fill in   填出/好

quite a lot 相当多

be with     与…在一起

be afraid  恐怕

be free  有空

see you then    再见

for the first time    第一次

win the first gold medal赢得第一枚金牌

get 28 gold medals获得28枚金牌

the winner of…..   ….的获胜者

every four years    每四年;每隔三年

a symbol of …     一种……的象征

stand for  代表

do morning exercises做早操

at least 至少

be fond of (doing)sth. 喜欢(做)某事

have a (bad/terrible) cold  患(重)感冒

see a dentist/doctor    看牙医/医生

have a cough/fever   患咳嗽/发高烧

have the flu      得了流感

have sore eyes   眼睛发炎

take/have a (good) rest   (好好)休息

had better (not) do sth.    最好(不)做

take sb.to sw     带某人去…

take/ have some medicine /pills   某人的帮助下


have a sore throat         喉咙发炎

day and night     日日夜夜

lie down        躺下

hot tea with honey    加蜜的热茶

brush one’s teeth      刷牙

have an accident   出了事故/意外

send sb.to….    送某人去……

nothing serious  没什么严重的

check over      做…检查


be sick=be ill     生病

plenty of…     充足;大量

worry about sth.     担心

get well      恢复健康

look tired   看起来很累

stay up     熬夜

feel better/well    感觉更好 / 好

feel sleepy     犯困

keep long fingernails  留长指甲

wash hands before meals   饭前洗手

play sports right after meals   饭后就运动

take a fresh breath   呼吸新鲜空气

ask sb to do sth.   叫某人做某事

give up doing sth  放弃做某事

in the sun  在阳光下

do morning exercises   做早操

be necessary for…




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