初二英语上册School life知识点梳理:unit2





1. Do you think dogs are _________ (smart) than people?

2. Who is ________ (lazy), Hobo or Eddie?

3. We need ________ (little) money and ________(few) people to do the work..

4. Can you tell me any differences between_________ (Britain) English and __________(America) English?

5.-What _______(be) your school like? -It _________(look) like a beautiful garden.

6. The song is ___________ (popular) now, but I still like it.

7. I like Daniel because he can tell ___________(interest) stories.

8. The bus left 5 minutes ago. It is ___________ (use) to run to the bus stop.

9. What a _________(bored) book. I cannot read it any more.

10. It is ___________(important). We don't need to go there.







( )1. John, __________ his father _________ fishing.

A like; likes B like; like C likes; likes D likes; like

( )2.--What ________ your sister like? What _______ she like?

---She is slim and pretty. She likes reading.

A is; does B does; is C was; did D did ;was

( )3. The opposite of "boring" is __________.

A important B useful C interesting D bored

( )4. Don't worry, you still have _________ time.

A a few B few C little D a little


My name is Emma. I am 14 years old and I go to Cambridge Secondary School in Britain. My school is mixed. It is very big and has 1,800 students. There are about 100 teachers in my school. The classes are quite small. There are only about 20 students in each class. I study many subjects and I like them all, but I like studying foreign languages most. I started to learn Chinese at primary school and I had five Chinese lessons a week. In Britain, most students do not study Chinese. Some people think that I am very clever because I can speak some Chinese. When I started secondary school, my Chinese teacher asked our class if we wanted to make online friends. Soon, we had some online friends from China. My online friend is called Zhang Dong. He lives in Beijing. I chat with him every day. I hope that I can meet him in China one day.

1. Who is Zhang Dong?


2. How many students are there in Emma's school?


3. Why do some people think Emma is very clever?


4. How many Chinese lessons did Emma have a week at primary school?


5. What did Emma's Chinese teacher ask her and her classmates?


威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家推荐的School life知识点梳理,大家仔细阅读了吗?更多参考复习资料尽在威廉希尔app 。


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