冀教版八年级英语上册Many faces, one picture知识点



威廉希尔app 为大家整理了Many facesone picture知识点,希望大家跟着小编的思路归纳知识点和小编一起来学习吧。

一.用适当的介词填空(先熟悉课文再做!) 1. They are looking ________ their photographs ________ the class picture. 2. That’s a good picture _________ you. 3. The cloud looks __________ a lion.

4. Think _____ your favourite photo of yourself. When and where was it taken? 5. She is _________ red. She is _________ a red coat. 二.认真预读对话,回答下面问题

1. What are Li Ming and Wang Mei looking at?_____________________________ 2. What is Wang Mei wearing?_____________________________________________ 3. Who took this picture of Li Ming?______________________________________ 4. How old is Li Ming then?_______________________________________________ 5. How old is he now?___________________________________________________ 6. What photo does Li Ming like, the new one or the old one?__________________ 知识探究:(对学,群学)

1. Li Ming and Wang Mei are looking at their photographs for the class picture.

look 是不及物动词

look at/ out/ for(寻找) / like/after/up(查字典)/ the same 2. That's a good picture of you.

a picture of Li Ming 照片上的人是李明。

Li Ming’s picture 照片属于李明(照片上不一定是李明。) 又如 :a picture of mine=my picture a picture of me 3. I like to wear my red coat

wear v “穿着” ,in介词

put on “穿上”, 强调动作。

dress “给某人或自己穿衣服”dress sb./oneself

in 表示“穿着” 状态, 与wear意思相同,与be一起作谓语,接颜色或服装。例如:

He always wears a pair of green pants. Put on your shirt.

Mum dresses my little sister every morning妈妈每天早晨给小妹妹穿衣服。 She is in red. 她穿着红衣服 另外,wear“戴(帽或眼镜)”

He was wearing a hat.他戴着一顶帽子。

Does your sister wear glasses? 你妹妹戴眼镜吗? 4. Here it is.


(部分倒装) Here we are. 我们终于到了。 (2)主语是名词,谓语则置于主语之前。

(全部倒装) Here is your hat. 这是你的帽子

5.I wish to see your new photo! 我希望看到你新的照片。


wish v. 希望。wish 后可以接不定式(与hope通用),从句(虚拟),双宾语和复合宾语,但不能接动名词(doing)。例如:

I hope(wish)to see you soon. (不定式)我希望很快见到你。 [妙辨异词]

wish 和hope的区别: wish v. 希望 和hope是同义词 hope 可以接to do 或that从句, 不可以接动名词(doing), 双宾语(hope sb. sth.),复合宾语(hope sb. to do sth. )

wish 后可以接不定式(与hope通用),从句(虚拟),双宾语和复合宾语,但不能接动名词(doing)。例如:

I hope(wish)to see you soon. (不定式)我希望很快见到你。 I wish you success. 祝你成功。(双宾语) (hope不可以)

I wish you to go with me.(复合宾语,hope不可以)我希望你和我去。 wish 接从句时表示几乎不能实现的愿望,所以常用过去时 I wish that I could fly to the moon. 我希望我能飞到月球去。 典例5

HanMeimei wishes _______ the poor all over the world. A. help B. to help C. helping

6. Bring a photograph or drawing of yourself to school. 带一张你自己的照片或图画到学校。

bring sth. to + 地点 把某物带到某处来 take sth. to + 地点 把某物拿到某处去

Bring your homework here tomorrow. 明天把作业带这来.

Take the books to the teacher’s room. 把书拿到老师的房间去


I. 根据首字母、汉语及句意补全单词 1. Wang Mei is _______(照相) for the class . 2. I w_____ to be a solider in the future. 3. He likes to _____(穿着) his red coat.

4. Don’t forget ____(把??带来) your homework to school. 5.First introduce _______(你自己) to me. II. 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The women like ________(wear) new coats. 2.Jean _______(look) at their new clothes now.

3.You can _______(write) three sentences about your father. 4.He wishes_______(see) his new book. 5.My mom ______(take) this picture yesterday. III. 单项选择

( ) 1. ---Please your homework to school tomorrow.


A. take B. bring C. takes D. brings ( ) 2. Let’s something we saw yesterday.

A. talk about B. to talk about C. to talk D. talk with ( ) 3. Danny pictures last year. A. taked B. makeC. to makeD. took ( ) 4. Will you glue the drawing the wall? A. in B. above C. to D. of ( ) 5. The boy ____a red coat is my brother. A. in B.wears C.dresses D. have . ( )6. I like ________ a pink skirt on Sunday.

A. wears B. wear C. to wear D. put on

( )7. Li Lei is _________ a picture in the park now.

A. doing B. having C. reading D. drawing

( )8. I look ________ my father. We look the same.

A. at B. for C. like D. up

( )9. Lynn ________ a picture in the Palace Museum last week.

A. take B. takes C. took D. taking

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的Many facesone picture知识点,大家看了之后感觉还满意吗?希望对大家有所帮助。






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