


威廉希尔app 给大家整理八年级英语下册期末重点复习,大家可以参考阅读,希望能帮助大家取得好成绩。

UNIT 5 Feeling Happy

Topic 1

Why all the smiling faces?

say thanks to 向···道谢   be proud of 骄傲   be pleased with 对···感到满意   set the table 摆放餐具   be able to 有能力做   ring up 給···打电话  cheer up 使振作起来   fall into 落入   at first 首先   in the end 最后   come into being 形成   make peace with sb. 与某人和解   invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事   prepare sth. for sb.为某人准备某东西   the movie theater 电影院   feel lonely 感到孤独   get a ticket得到1张票   seem worrier 似乎着急   taste delicious 尝起来可口   smell terrible 闻起来臭   look tired 看起来疲劳   go well 进展顺利   be glad to do sth. 乐意做某事   care for 照顾   sing lively songs 唱活泼的歌   be on 上映   on the way 在路上   a moving story 一个感人的故事 go mad 发疯   national opera 国粹   main role 主要的角色   beautiful facial paintings 漂亮的脸谱   famous novel 著名的小说

It takes sb. some money/time to do sth.  某花了某人些金钱时间去做某事    Sth. cost sb. some money   某东西花费某人金钱   Sb.spend some money/time on sth./(in)doing sth.   某人花金钱时间在某事上/在做某事上   Sb. pay some money for sth./sb.pay for sth.   某人为了某事付钱/某人为某东西付钱

Topic 2

I'm really worried about beth

Do badly in 在某方面做的不好   be strict with 对···严格要求   be worried about 为···感到担心焦虑   take it easy 别紧张   in one's teens 在某人十几岁时   be/get used to 习惯于   What's more 而且   in public 当众   fall asleep 入睡   deal with 处理   for example 例如   even enough 即使   calm down 平静   seem to do sth. 似乎做某事 seem+adj. 似乎看来   have a talk with sb. 和某人聊天   work harder 艰难工作   at one's age/at the age of 在某人年龄阶段   tell sb. jokes 給某人讲笑话   make sb. laugh 使某人大笑   have unhappy feelings 有不好的情绪   give sb. suggestion 給某人些建议   take part in activities 参加活动   listen to soft music 听轻音乐   deal with 处理   move to 搬到   a piece of advice 一条建议   fit in 被他人接受   clap one's hand 拍手   all the time 一直   refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事   agree to do sth. 同意做某事

Topic 3

Many things can affect our feelings

Follow one's advice 遵守某人建议   take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事   be happy for sb. 为某人感到高兴   in a good/bad mood 心情好/坏   smile at life 笑对生活   put on 上映   prepare for 为···做准备   get along with 与···相处   give a speech 讲话 affect one's mood 影响某人情绪   try out 试验   be in good/low spirits 心情好/不好   feel bored 感到无聊   miss lessons 掉课   be full of 充满   warm colors 暖色   try on 试穿   get sth. from sw. 从某地得到某东西   get back to 回到某事情上   a sense of happiness 一种快乐的感觉

o(∩_∩)o…        o(∩_∩)o…

UNIT 6 Enjoy Cycling

Topic 1

We're going on a spring field trip

Go on a spring field trip 去春游   go on a visit to 去···参观   a two-day visit 两天的游览   decide on/opon sth. 决定   plan to do sth. 计划做某事   make a reservation 预订   book a room 订房间   raise money 筹钱   come up with 想出注意   decide to do sth. 决定做某事   look forward to(doing)sth. 盼望做某事   hear from 收到···的来信   have a wonderful time 玩的愉快   as soon as 一···就   in the daytime 在白天   over the phone 通过电话   raise money 存钱   money raising 存钱活动   many special ways 许多方法   greet sb. 问候某人   have a show 举办展览   the sea of clouds 云海

Topic 2

Let's explore the Ming Tombs

on vacation 度假   make a plan to do sth. 计划做某事   come along with 跟随   go camping 去野营   at the foot of 在···脚下   make sure 确信   to/in the south/north/east/west of 在···南/北/东/西方/部   be surprised at 对···感到惊讶   in all directions 四面八方   out of sight 看不见   can't help doing 忍不住   be satisfied with 对···感到满意   here and there 到处   ask sb. for help 向某人求助   take sb. to sw. 带某人去某地   stone offcials石头官员   in the old days 在古代   peace of the country 国泰民安   high prestige 崇高声望   pay attention to 注意

Topic 3

Bicycles are popular with people

Traffic accident 交通事故   obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则   slow down 减速   avoid doing sth.   防止做某事   run into 遇見   send sb. to 送某人去···   get a fine 被罰款    be in danger 遇到危險   warn sb. to do sth.警告某人做某事   make a comeback 復出   ride into 進入   millions of 數百萬的   be hurt 死亡   save energy 節省能量   cause air pollution 使空氣污染   meters way 幾米之外   on the bicycle 在自行車上   No left turn 禁止左轉     for a record記錄在案   go on 繼續   by doing sth. 通過做某事   once again 再一次   be born生于   sport news 體育新聞








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