


及时对知识点进行总结,整理,有效应对考试不发愁,下文由威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家带来了八年级英语下册期末知识点总结,欢迎大家参考阅读。


1、look like 看起来像(指长相,即可指人也可指物)

Eg.The man looks like our English teacher. Eg.The strange thing looks like a plate.

区分:What do/dose sb. look like? 问长相=How do/does sb. look? What be sb. like? 问品质

What do/does sb. like?问喜好

2、chat(动词) with sb.和某人聊天 have a chat(名词) with sb. chat 现在分词:chatting

3、send 发送 send sb. sth.=send sth. to sb.把某物寄给/送给某人 4、receive 收到,接到 receive emails 接收邮件 区分:receive 与accept

receive 客观(被动地)收到 accept 主观接受 eg. I received a bunch of flower, but i didn't accept it. 5、what...for?......为何目的,为何理由?=Why?

eg. What did you do that for?=Why did you do that?

6.click 点击 click(及物动词)sth. =click(不及物动词) on sth. 点击

7.thousands of 数以千计的 hundred,thousand,million等表示确指时(前面有具体的数字),用单数;表泛指(前面没有数字)用复数,其后加of eg. three thousand hundreds of 8.see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事

eg. When i passed by the KFC, I saw many children eating hamburgers and chips in it. see sb. do sth.看见某人做了某事(强调动作发生的全过程) 9.huge 形容词:巨大的

区分:huge,big 和 large

huge强调体型而不是重量,big指具体事物,多指体积大,还可以表示“巨大的,伟大的,重要的”等意思,其反义词是little或small,large多指面积之大、人口之多,也可表示数量(the number).

10.relax 放松,休息 动词三单:relaxes 形容词:relaxed 修饰人 relaxing 修饰物

11. be famous for +表示人或物某方面的特点、特长的词 因......而出名 =be known for be famous as +职位/名称 作为......而出名

be famous to sb. 对于......很出名,被......所熟知

eg. He is famous to the people all over the world.他被全世界的人所熟知. 12.so much for sth.关于......就讲这么多,......到此为止 So much for the new words.生词就学到这里。 13.pick 挑选,采摘 pick up 捡起

14.be filled with... 被......填满 = be full of

eg. The basket is filled with apples.= The basket is full of apples. 篮子里装满了苹果。 15.more than 不止......,超过..... more than +数词 = over +数词 反义词:less than eg. More than one girl is there.不止一个女孩在那儿。 16.take part in =join in +比赛/活动

join +党派/组织/sb./trip/walk join sb. in doing sth.加入某人做某事的行 17.dream of 梦想,想象

dream 动词:梦,梦见 dream of /about 梦想,想象 Eg.The boy dreams of becoming a pilot. 18.主将从现

If/as soon as/until/when引导条件状语从句,主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。

Eg.If you don?t hurry up, you?ll miss the train. 注:if表“是否”时,该用什么时态用什么时态。

I don?t know if he will come to my birthday party tomorrow.If he comes, I will call you. 19.Australian adj.澳大利亚(人)的 名词:Australia 澳大利亚 20.opposite 名词:对立的人(或物) 介词:在......的对面 eg. What?s the opposite of white? The bank is opposite the bus stop.

21.mind 介意 mind(+sb.宾格/sb.?s) doing sth.介意(某人)做某事 Do you mind doing sth.? 介意:You?d better not .

不介意:Not at all. /Of course not. /Certainly not. 22.my pleasure 不客气,很乐意效劳,回答别人的道谢,=You?re welcome. 区别:with pleasure 很乐意效劳 ,回答别人的请求 23.book 动词:预定,订(房间、车票)等

24.called 被称作/叫作 =named,在句中作后置定语修饰前面的名词 Eg. I like the cat named / called Mimi. 25.be made up of...由.....组成

Our class is made up of fifty students.

区别:be made of 由......制成(能看出原材料) be made from 由......制成(看不出原材料) be made in 某物是某地制造的

26.prepare for sth.为某事做准备,表示准备的目的 prepare sth.准备某事,表示准备的内容 prepare to do sth.准备做某事

prepare sb. sth.为某人准备某物=prepare sth. for sb.

8B Unit 4 短语和重点句型

Welcome to the unit

1.do with = deal with 处理,对付 what to do with = how to deal with 怎样处理 2.have to use them to reach the box on the fridge 不得不使用它们来够冰箱上的盒子 3.read a book about Germany in World War Ⅱ 读一本关于第二次世界战争德国的书 4.be interested in 对…感兴趣

5.improve my knowledge of the past 提高我对过去的认识(knowledge 知识不可数—v know )

6.in one?s spare/free time 在某人的空闲时间里

7.novels by the French writer Victor Hugo 被/ 由法国作家维克多·雨果写的小说 8.the story of the ugly man 那个丑陋男人的故事 9.touch / move sb 感动/触动某人

10.keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系

11.国家 国家人 复数

Germany -- German--- Germans America --- American -- Americans Australia -- Australian-- Australians Canada -- Canadian -- Canadians France -- Frenchman--- Frenchmen

England -- Englishman -- Englishmen (中国人,日本人不变;英、法 a—e) 12.我也是(不是)Me too/ Me either


1.crash against the rocks 撞到岩石 (against 介词 紧靠,碰,撞;反对,违背) 2.swim as far as one can / could = swim as far as possible 游得尽可能远;奋力前游 3.by the time = when 到……的时候

4.feel the land under my feet 感觉到陆地在我的脚下 5.be tired out 筋疲力尽

6.fall down on the beach 倒在沙滩上 7.go to sleep / fall asleep睡着、入睡 8.as the sun was rising正当太阳升起时 9.be tied to the ground 被栓/绑在地上

10.feel something on my leg 感觉某个东西在我的腿上

11.move up over my stomach and neck 在我的肚子和脖子上移动 12.look down 向下看,俯视 look down on 轻视,看不起 13.the same size as 和……一样大

be the same size as my little finger=be as big as my little finger 14.start climbing all over me 开始爬遍我的全身 大约40个他们

16.shout at 对……大喊大叫

17.fall over 跌倒(后不能接宾语) 18.get up 站起来,(使)起立;起床

19.continue to do sth = continue doing sth 继续做某事 20.move across one?s body爬过某人的身体

21.begin talking to me开始和我交谈 begin to do sth/ doing sth 22.我也不知道说什么 I didn?t know what to say 23.try to pull one hand free 尽力挣脱一只手

24.manage to do sth 设法完成某事 (manage , v 设法完成,管理---manager , n 经理 ) 25.lift my hand into the air 把我的左手举在空中

26.a huge army of (tiny people) 一大群(极小的人) 27.come straight towards me 径直向我走来 28.run / get away (from) (从)……逃走

29.find oneself unable to move 发现自己不能移动

30.be unable to do sth 不能够做某事31.communicate with sb与某人交流

Grammar and Integrated skills

1.advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事 2.teach oneself = learn sth by oneself 自学 3.recommend so many interesting books (to sb ) 推荐如此多有趣的书

4.in such a short time 在如此短的时间内 5.hand in 上交 hand out 分发 6.and so on ……等等

7.read some reviews about the book before writing 在你写之前读一些有关这本书的评论 8.return the book to the library = give the book back to the library 把书归还给图书馆

9.on time 按时,准时 in time 及时 10.don?t have to do = needn?t do 不必,不需要 mustn?t 不允许,禁止must be (表示肯定的猜测“一定是”)---否定句can?t be “不可能” No, you 11.every time 每次 12.renew the books online 在线续借这些书

13.a British writer 一个英国作家 14.date of birth 出生日期 15.read sth to sb 读……给某人听

16.publishing houses 出版社17.refuse to publish it 拒绝出版它 refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事18.so far 到目前为止 = up to now = until now 19.be translated into 被翻译成…… 20.a Canadian writer 一个加拿大作家 21.in the very beginning 在一开始 22.search for information on the computer在电脑上搜寻信息 search + 地点 search for +东西

23.at a time 每次,依次(前面加数字 at one time 曾经;同时 at that time 在那时 24.How long can I keep the books ? For two weeks 这些书我能借多久 ? 两周

Study skills and Task

1.sail the sea to look for hidden treasure 航海去寻找隐藏的宝藏 2.the main character 主要人物, 主人公

3.give sb a lot of confidence 给某人许多信心(不可数名词) 4.as shy as I used to be 跟过去一样害羞 5.have exciting experiences有令人激动的经历(可数)

6.five years? 不可数一个有

8.your favourite type of book 你最喜欢的类型的书 9.receive as gifts 接受当礼物 10.ask sb for advice 向某人寻求建议 take/ follow one?s advice 接受某人的建议 11.reading hadits 阅读习惯 the habit of doing sth 做某事的习惯

12.read a lot 经常读书

13.before going to bed在上床睡觉之前 before /after /when doing sth 14.the four great classical Chinese novels 中国四大古典小说 在我家对面(介词)

16.give sb advice on …… 给某人提关于……的建议 open up 开创、开辟、开启 17.discuss what to read讨论读什么

8B Unit 5 短语和重点句型







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