人教版八年级下册英语重点短语归纳:Unit 3



成绩的提高是同学们提高总体学习成绩的重要途径,大家一定要在平时的练习中不断积累,小编为大家准备了人教版八年级下册英语重点短语归纳:Unit 3,希望同学们不断取得进步!


1.go out for dinner 出去吃晚饭

2. stay out late/until nine 呆到很晚

3. go to the movies 去看电影

4. get a ride 搭车

give me a ride to town车送我到镇上

5.work on 从事

6. finish doing sth. 完成做某事

7. clean and tid y 干净整洁

8. do the dishes=wash the dishes洗餐具

9. take out the rubbish 倒垃圾

10. fold your/the clothes 叠衣服

11. sweep the floor 扫地

12. make your/the bed 整理床铺

13.clean the livng room 打扫客厅

14. no problem 没问题

15. welcome sb. 欢迎某人

16. come home from school/ work


be/ come back from shopping购物回来

help out with a few things帮助做些事情

any minute/ second/ moment now随时;马上

pretty clean and tidy相当干净而整洁

17.be angry with sb.对某人生气

be angry at sth.因某事而生气

solve the problem解决问题

throw down my bag 扔下我的书包

18. sit down 坐下

the minute/ as soon as / the moment


come over 过来

20 take sb. for a walk 带某人去散步

take the dog for a walk= walk dog遛狗

replied angrily 生气地回答

21.all the time 一直;总是

all day/evening=the whole day/evening 整日/夜

23. never help out around the house


24. shout back 大声回应

25. walk away 走开

26. share the housework 分担家务

27. a clean and comfortable home


28. ask in surprise 惊讶地问

neither of us 我们两个都不

as tired as=so tired as和…一样疲倦

29. get something to drink 拿点喝的东西

30. watch one show 观看一个节目

31. hang out with my friends


以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的人教版八年级下册英语重点短语归纳:Unit 3,大家还满意吗?希望对大家有所帮助!


2016年初二下册英语Unit 3知识点归纳:重点短语  

Unit 2重点句型归纳:初二下学期英语知识点



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