


这篇是由威廉希尔app 小编特整理的八年级英语上册知识点:7-9单元,适合同学们学习,也适合教师教学使用,供大家参考!


1.turn on/ off /up/ down 2.cut up 3.mix up4.pour…into… 5.add… to… 6.hang out 7.watch a dolphin show 8.at the end of 9.take a class/ have a class 10.sleep late 11.go for a drive 12.on my next off 13.in my opinion 14.in the future 15.free time 16.be born 17.ice skating18.a piece of music 19.win first prize 20.major in 21.one teaspoon of 22.a slice of 23.take a photo/photos 24.get one’s autograph 25.have a yard sale26.get wet 27.have a party 28.at the age of 29.because of 30.at the same time



finally = at last = in the end

Finally he came up with an idea .=

_____ _____ he came up with an idea .=

_____ ____ _____ he came up with an idea.

考点2.turn on / open的区别:

1.turn on :指打开水流,煤气,电灯,电视,收音机等电器的开关。


Please _____ the door.

The boy _____ the computer to play games last night .

考点3.into/ in的区别:



There is nothing _____ the blender .

He put his books ______his backpack and left.


too…to…= not…enough to … = so…that…

He is so young that he can’t go to school .=

He isn’t _____ ____ to go school .=

He is _____ young _____ go to school .

The box is too heavy for us to carry .

The box isn’t _____ _____ to carry =

The box is ____ heavy ____ we ____ carryit .


called = named = with the name (of)

Do you know the girl called Kate ?=

Do you know the girl ______Kate ?=

Do you know the girl _____ _____ _____ (of)Kate ?

考点6.see sb do sthsee sb doing sth的区别

1.see sb do sth :看见某人做了某事

2.see sb doing sth .看见某人正在做某事

The teacher saw the students _______(read) English when he came in .

Look!Can you see the girl _____(dance) under the tree ?

注:类似的动词有:hear ,watch ,notice 等。省to的不定式变被动语态时,需带上to

I often notice him go home alone .------

He is noticed _____ _____ home alone.

考点7.at the age of的同义句:

at the age of = when sb was/ were ….

He began to learn English when he was four.=

He began to learn English ____ ____ ____ ______ four.




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