


英语的应用越来越广泛了,我们必须好好来学习英语知识。对此威廉希尔app 编辑为大家整理了八年级上册英语知识点:4-6单元。详情如下:


1.take the subway 2.all over/around the world .be different from 4.on the school bus 5.study for a test 6.go to the doctor=see a doctor 7.have a piano lesson 8.the day after tomorrow 9.keep quiet /be quiet 10.come over to 11.be free=have time 12.in some ways 13.look the same 14.in common 15.do the same things as sb.16.use sth to do sth 17.begin with 18.in one’s free time 19.the bus /train /subway station 20.another time 21.means of transportation 22.all kinds of 23.depend on 24.go to concert 25.keep quiet 26.primary school



1).take the train to … =go to …by train

take the bus to …= go to …by bus

2).fly to … = go to … by plane /air

walk to …. = go to …on foot

ride a bike to … = go to …. by bike

My uncle went to New York last week .

My uncle _____ _____ New York last week .


1).It +takes +sb.+时间+to do sth

2).sb. +spend +时间+on sth (in doing sth ).

It took me half an hour to work it out .

I_____ half an hour ______ it out .


A +be +距离+from +B = It’s +距离+from A+ to B.

It is five minutes’ walk from my home to school. = It ______ me five minutes to _____to school .

考点4.leave ,leave for , leave … for …

1).leave +地点 “离开某地”

2).leave for +地点 “前往某地”=go to +某地

3).leave +某地+for +某地“离开某地前往某地”

Mr wang are going to Beijing tomorrow .=

Mr wang are _____ ______ Beijing tomorrow.

考点5.all …not = not all “并非都部分否定

注:not 与all /both /every ….. 连用构成部分否定。

Not all birds can fly . = _____ birds can fly , some can’t .

考点6.the number of / a number of

1).a number of 许多= a lot of /many ,

number 前可用large /small 来修饰,a large /

small number of ….. 作主语时,谓语用复数。

2).the number of ….的数量, 作主语时,谓语用单数。

A large number of tourists ______(come )to

Mountain Tai every year .

The number of the students in our class ____(be ) 60.

考点7.sick / ill

1).ill 用在系动词之后作表语。

2).sick 既可以放在系动词之后作表语也可放在名词之前作定语。

She was _______ because of hard work .

The _____ boy coughed terribly .


1). Would you like to do sth ?

2).Could you please do sth ?

3).Will /Would you please do sth ?

4).Can you do sth ?




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