


这篇是由威廉希尔app 小编特整理的初二上册英语知识点总结:短语句型(2),适合同学们学习参考,也适合教师教学使用,供大家参考!

hear of听说,                hear from收到某人的来信,

be bad for对…有害,       it is +adj.+of sb +to do sth.写性格,品质    kind, good

nice ,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等。

It is+adj+for sb +to do sth.对物的评价difficult,easy hard,dangerous,important,等

write  to… 给…写信,                  next to 在…旁边,

do some concerts办音乐会,             speak to sb.和某人讲话,

say hello to sb.给某人问好,           say bye to sb.向某人说再见,

show sb. around somewhere带某人参观某地,

learn sth  from sb.向某人学习

choose the correct answers选择正确答案,    correct the mistakes改错,


建议:1.why don't you do sth?=why not do sth?

2.How about doing sth?=what about doing sth?

3.You should /can do sth.  4.Remember to do sth.

5.Don't forget to do sth.    6.can you do sth ?

7.Let's do sth.    8.It'sa good idea to do

9.would you like to do ?   10.Shall we do

11.You'd better (not )do sth.

回答:That's a good idea.Thanks a lot.

Great,  OK.   That's right.  All right.  Good idea.  Sure.

MODULE2  现在完成时:

1.表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,或结果,常与recently, ever, never,already,yet ,just,before still连用;



get into=enter进入,              what's the price of …=how much is …问价格

dream about梦到,                dream of 梦见,

around the world=all over the world全世界,

stay with sb.与某人呆一起        stay at home呆在家里,

stay in bed呆在床上,             walk to =go to…on foot步行去

take off脱下,起飞,               land on/in /at 着路,

all over China,全中国,             take a seat =have a seat请坐,

come ture实现,             fly to =go to ...by plane(by air),坐飞机

drive to =go to…by car开车,     at the end of在…尽头/结尾

sell out卖光,                    at the end 在结束时,

have been to去过(现在不在那儿),have gone to 去了(现在不在说话地)

everyday English日常英语,          first price一等奖,

The most exciting experience最激动人心的经历,     before long不久,

long before=soon=a little later很久以前,   no problem没问题,

have a problem in doing sth.做某事有困难,  work out a problem解决一个问题,

invite sb to do sth,邀请某人做某事     invite sb to some place邀请某人去某地,

one day,某一天,(过去或将来)       some day某一天(将来),

连系动词,一是be (am, is ,are ,was ,were,)一感觉feel ,一保持keep,三变become, get turn,

四起来taste ,smell , look, sound,后跟形容词作表语。

不定代词:somebody, some one某人,anybody,anyone任何人nobody,no one,没人everyone,everybody每个人,something某物,anything任何物,nothing没事,everything一切事物,修饰他们的形容词放后。

different kinds of =all kinds of不同种类的,各种各样的,

by the end of到…末为止,不迟于

give a concert=give concerts举办音乐会







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