


相信同学们一定有着爱思考的头脑,聪明、敏捷的思维,威廉希尔app 小编正对初中学生整理的初二上册英语unit4专项练习,希望同学们在认真的做题的同时也去了解其中的奥妙。


1.__________(发明创造)is not about getting high test scores, having a high IQ or being smart.

2.By thinking about the way we think and practicing good thinking __________(策略), we can become more creative.

3.Inventors often  __________(重新措词)a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try“impossible”or“crazy solutions”.

4.__________(部分的)solutions, and even failures, give us more information and clues that help us move towards a better solution.

5.Good solutions and new ideas are often the result of a change in(观念,感觉)__________.

6.By looking at a problem in as many ways as possible, creative thinkers can find solutions that would __________(否则)remain(看不见的)__________.

7.Unfortunately, it is easy to limit the possibilities of a new idea by connecting it to only one area of our (以前的)__________ knowledge.

8.Great thinkers are(意识到)__________ of this  and try to combine new and old ideas in as many different ways as possible.

9.they are the result of a long process of(实验)___________ and error.

10.Why does the patent officer not want to give Mr Butler a(专利权)__________?

11.Save trees and have a snack at the same time---they come in five different(味道)__________.

12.Are you tired of carrying around a heavy(笔记本电脑)__________ computer?

13.If you use our(可充气的)__________ bike, you can simply let the air out and put your bike in a bag.

14.The(鞋跟)__________ of this shoe is a machine that makes electricity with every step you take. You will never need to buy batteries again!

15.It is certainly true that computers, cellphones and(数码)_________ cameras have become part of our everyday life.

16.For example, when we want to explain how a  computer works, we use words like“memory, store”and“cut and(粘贴)_________”

17.We do cut and paste, but we don’t use(剪)__________ or(胶水)________

18.Science is not just about(电子的)__________ and(塑料的)__________;it is also about how we think about the world.






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