


同学们觉得功课学起来有难度呢?威廉希尔app 小编为大家编辑了八年级上册英语unit4同步练习,帮助大家轻松愉快地学习功课,请同学们参考下文!

1.The old doctor went on working _______ the night.

A. through whole    B. throughout    C. at the whole   D. deep in

2. These two articles have nothing _____ with each other.

A. in ordinary    B. in same    C. in common    D. in difference

3. In common _____ many teachers, he is strict _____ the students.

A. to ; in     B. with; in    C. with; with    D. with; to

4. A quarrel _____, which made him _____ his family.

A. was broken out; break away    B. broke out; break away from

C. was broken away; break out    D. broke out; to break away from

5. Dr Bethune _____ his fighting post though the enemy never stopped dropping bombs.

A. stuck toB. kept on    C. insisted on    D. went on

6. We have to practice ____ more English materials everyday if we want to _____ our English.

A. to read; raise   B. reading; improve   C. reading; raise   D. read; rise

7. He _____ to persuade Eric, but he failed.

A. attemptedB. succeeded    C. managed    D. admitted

8. The police connected the knife _____ the murder

A. withB. to    C. by    D. from

9. He is said _____ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.

A. being badly treated    B. treating badly

C. to be treated badly    D. to have been badly treated

10. You have been late for two hours; otherwise, we _____ the whole design.

A. have fulfilled    B. fulfilled

C. should have fulfilledD. will have fulfilled






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