鲁教版初二上册英语专项练习:unit2Making plans



威廉希尔app 小编为同学们整理了初二上册英语专项练习,希望同学们好好利用这篇文章,巩固学习的内容,加深对学过知识的印象,在考试中取得好的成绩!

I. 根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。

1. We are looking forward to w______ the football match tomorrow.

2. All football fans w______ the same shirt.

3. I am going to e______ myself on Children’s Day.

4. My mother likes to t______ a walk after supper.

5. Usually I s______ the summer holiday at home.

II. 单项选择。

(  ) 1. Tom often helps his mother ______ housework.

A. in   B. with

C. cleaned      D. is cleaning

(  ) 2. This summer holiday, I am going ______ a summer camp in Paris.

A. on B. /       C. at D. of

(  ) 3. We’re going ______ and going ______ a picnic on the beach.

A. sightseeing; having

B. sightseeing; to have

C. to sightseeing; have

D. to sightseeing; to have

(  ) 4. I hope our team ______ the match.

A. win   B. winning

C. winner       D. well

(  ) 5. Li Wei and his friends are going to watch their favourite football team ______.

A. playing      B. play

C. go       D. to play






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