


大多数同学认为初中功课比较复杂,学起来比较吃力,还有的同学逻辑思维能力不强,所以就不会解题,威廉希尔app 的“初二上学期英语unit2专项练习”帮助同学们梳理知识、加强练习,提高成绩!


A. I feel very well.

B. I hope you will get better soon.

C. Do you sleep well at night?

D. I'm not feeling well.

E. And do some exercise every day.

F. You need to eat less food.

G. There is nothing serious.

A: What's wrong with you, Mr Green? You look pale!


【小题1】    I can't do any work, doctor.

A: Do you have a cold?

B: No, I don't have a cold.



B: Yes, I always sleep very well.

A: Do you have breakfast every morning?

B: No, I don't have breakfast. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin.

A: Oh, I see.

【小题3】___________     You need to eat more food and have three meals a day.


B: Ok. I will do like that.

A:    ___________ 【小题5】

2.Jenny: Sam, you look unhappy. What’s the matter?

Sam: My best friend, John is ill in hospital.

Jenny: 【小题1】    What’s wrong with him?

Sam: He has a stomachache and can’t eat anything.

Jenny: But he looks very healthy, I think.

Sam: 【小题2】    He’s too fat because he eats too much meat.

Jenny: 【小题3】

Sam: You are right. His doctor told him to take more exercise and eat less meat, but he didn’t listen to him.

Jenny: 【小题4】

Sam: Yes. Now he thinks his doctor is right and he begins to do what he told him.

Jenny: 【小题5】

Sam: Me, too.

A. I hope he’ll be better soon.

B. I’m sorry to hear that.

C. It’s bad for his health.

D. I don’t think so.

E. He hoped to be thin.

F. I’m sure he must feel sorry for it.

G. He didn’t like to eat it.






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