


大多数同学认为初中功课比较复杂,学起来比较吃力,还有的同学逻辑思维能力不强,所以就不会解题,威廉希尔app 的“初二上学期英语unit1口语小练”帮助同学们梳理知识、加强练习,提高成绩!


A: Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions about your new teacher?

B: Sure, please.

A: (1)______________

B: She is tall and thin. She is knowledgeable and humorous.

A: (2)______________

B: Yes. She is our friends after class.

A: (3)______________

B: She likes to travel around the world.

A: (4)______________

B: She teaches us how to learn new words and grammar. She helps us solve many problems.

A: (5)______________

B: Yes, she likes it very much. She will stay here with us.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You’re welcome.

A. Does she enjoy her work here?

B. What does she do to help you?

C. Do you like your students?

D. Is she kind?

E. What is your new teacher like?

F. What is her interest?

G. What does she hate?

(答案 “参考答案角”)

第4—6课口语小练:1—5 EDFBA



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