初二英语上册Why don't you talk to your parents?练习题



新的学期大家又要开始学习新的知识了,不断地做练习才能让知识掌握的更深刻,下文为大家带来了Why don't you talk to your parents练习题,供大家参考。


1. _____________与某人交谈2. __________ _________太多

3. _____________有空闲时间

4. allow sb. to do sth. __________

5. _____________与某人闲逛

6. _____________课外辅导班

7. _____________ 与某人吵架/打架

8. _____________直到半夜

9. _____________有足够的睡眠

10. write sb. a letter_____________

11. _____________打电话给某人

12. _____________令某人惊讶

13. _____________ 擅长写信

14. _____________快速查看;浏览

15. be angry with sb__________

16. a big deal_____________

17. ____________成功地发展;解决

1. My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends. 我父母不允许我跟我的朋友们一起闲逛。

allow verb.允许;准许

a. allow: let sb do sth 允许

He is not allowed to stay out late.


His parents won't? _____ him ____ ____ out late.他的父母不会允许他在外待得很晚。 b. Smoking is not allowed in the hall.


We do not _____ smoking in the? hall.


2. I guess you could tell her to say sorry.我想你可以叫她道歉。

guess verb.猜测;估计

51.His parents are very busy. They have little time to c with their children.

52.You shouldn’t c my homework. You should do it alone.

53.He is ready to help others, and he always o money to the people in the poor villages.

54.If you borrow books from the library, you should r them on time.

55.He runs the fastest, and nobody else can c with him.

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的Why don't you talk to your parents练习题就到这里了,希望大家在新的学期里生活愉快,学习进步。



八年级上册英语:Best friends练习题  


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