八年级上册英语:Best friends练习题




Everyone is good at something,for example,singing,dancing or playing instruments(乐器).Amy and Danny are my good friends.Amy sings the best__26__us.She joined a lot of singing competitions and won many __27__.Danny has talent for playing the piano.His mom__28__him a piano as a gift on his eighth birthday.Then he started to play it.What about  me?I am good at __29__.

There is a talent show in our school every year.It is a__30__event(事件),and almost everybody takes part in(参加) it.It's up to the teachers and students to__31__who sings the best or play the piano the most beautifully.

Last year,Amy and Danny__32__the show,but I didn't,__33__ I thought no one would go to a talent show to watch a child draw a picture.__34__ of them practiced hard before the show.Amy won second prize and Danny didn't win a prize,but he was__35__very happy.“The most important thing is that I tried my best to do it,” he said.

(   )26.A.for  B.into

C.of  D.as

(   )27.A.prizes  B.parties

C.programs  D.tickets

(   )28.A.chose  B.touched

C.broke  D.gave

()29.A.acting  B.drawing

C.singing  D.dancing

(   )30.A.similar  B.poor

C.wonderful  D.terrible

(   )31.A.decide  B.worry

C.follow  D.learn

(   )32.A.watched  B.asked

C.joined  D.left

(   )33.A.so  B.although

C.if  D.because

(   )34.A.Other  B.Both

C.All  D.Any

(   )35.A.still  B.already

C.ever  D.never


Richard is the unluckiest boy in the world.He hardly ever falls ill (生病),but if he falls ill,it is on the weekend.He is a good student,but when he takes a test,his pen breaks.His bird sings very well,but when he asks his friends to listen to it,the bird becomes silent (沉默的).

But Richard thinks he is the luckiest boy in the world.He has wonderful parents and a lovely sister.He has a singing bird.His classmates are friendly.Richard is always happy and he is kind.

One day his mother gave him some money to buy an ice-cream.When he arrived at the ice-cream shop,he saw an old man outside it.He had old clothes,terrible glasses,and he looked hungry.Richard thought he was poor.He decided not to buy the ice-cream and gave the money to the man.

“Thank you.You are a kind boy.But I'm not poor.Keep your money.I'm the richest (最富有的)man in town and I sometimes wear old clothes to see what people do,” the man said and gave the money back.

The man took Richard to the biggest shop in town and said,“Choose anything you like.I can buy you the most expensive one.”Richard asked,“Can I choose two?” “Of course,” answered the man.

Richard chose the newest radio because when his bird keeps silent,he can at least listen to it with his friends.He then chose a new pair of glasses for the man.

(   )36.How does the passage show us “Richard is the unluckiest boy in the world”?

A.By giving examples.

B.By asking questions.

C.By describing his look.

D.By using an old man's words.

(   )37.Which of the following does NOT make Richard feel lucky according to Paragraph 2?

A.A singing bird.

B.A lovely gift.

C.Wonderful parents.

D.Friendly classmates.

(   )38.What did Richard do after he saw an old man outside the ice-cream shop?

A.He gave him some money.

B.He gave him an ice-cream.

C.He bought him new clothes.

D.He bought him a new pair of glasses.

(   )39.How many gifts did Richard choose?

A.1.  B.2.  C.3.  D.4.

(   )40.Why did Richard choose the newest radio?

A.Because it looked cool.

B.Because his friends liked it very much.

C.Because it was the most expensive in the shop.

D.Because he and his friends can listen to it when his bird doesn't sing.

Self Check

Ⅰ.1-5 BDCAC 6-10 ABDCB

Ⅱ.A)11.fresh 12.screen 13.crowded 14.give 15.creative

B)16.carefully 17.cheaper 18.comfortable 19.freshest 20.kinds

Ⅲ.21.the tallest 22.don't think 23.not as/so 24.of;is 25.the most beautifully

Ⅳ.26-30 CADBC 31-35 ACDBA

Ⅴ.36-40 ABABD

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冀教版八年级英语Lesson 1 Back to school练习题  


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