



( )1. Tom is taller than ___________ student in his class.

A. any B.the other C.any other D.other any

( )2. —What’s ___________ mountain in the world?

—Qomolangma. It’s 8,844.43 meters high.

A. highest B. the highest C. higher D the higher

( )3. Could you speak in a __________ voice? We can hardly hear you.

A. friendlier B. louder C. softer D. lovelier

( )4. —Which one do you like_________?— Neither, thanks.

A.better B.the better C.best D .the best

( )5.The store has __________ the prices. The things there are cheaper than before.

A. kept B. put C. improved D. cut

( )6. —Did you know China is one of the oldest countries in the world?

—Yes, I did. It’s much older than the US.

A. much older B. more older C. much elder D. more elder

( )7.—Which is __________, Town Cinema, Screen City or Movie Palace?

—Movie Palace.

A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. much more popular

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的精选初二下学期英语同步练习题:第七单元,大家还满意吗?希望对大家有所帮助!



Unit 1 What’s the matter? 八年级下册英语同步练习题


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