Unit 7 Will people have robots随堂检测题:人教版初二上册英语



学习是一个边学新知识边巩固的过程,对学过的知识一定要多加练习,这样才能进步。因此,精品小编精心为大家整理了这篇Unit 7 Will people have robots随堂检测题:人教版初二上册英语,供大家参考。

1. The next time you see Nikos, he _______sixteen years old.

A. will be B. is C. was D. will

2. Margot _______computer science last year.

A. studies B. studied C. will study D. is studying

3. In ten years, John _______an astronaut.

A. is B. will be C. was D. will

4. How many people _______there fifty years ago.

A. will B. were C. are D. will be

5. In AD 20 000,what_______the world be like?

A. is B. will C. was D. are

6. There is_______ meat but_______ cakes on the plate. Please have one.

A. a little; a few B. a few; a little C. few; little D. little; a few

7. There is very _______on this street.

A. few traffics B. little traffics C. few traffic D. little traffic

小编再次提醒大家,一定要多练习哦!希望这篇Unit 7 Will people have robots随堂检测题:人教版初二上册英语能够帮助你巩固学过的相关知识。



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