15-16学期初二上册英语Unit 7 Seasons同步练习题



要想学好一门课就必须大量反复地做题,为此,精品小编为大家整理了这篇15-16学期初二上册英语Unit 7 Seasons同步练习题,以供大家参考!


1. Autumn is a busy and ____________(收获的) season.

2. You can’t imagine Millie ___________(重) only 3kilos at birth.

3. Mr Smith always _____________ (鼓励)me to study hard.

4. Practice more,then you will have a good ______________ (记忆).

5. After a __________(一会儿), the hunter hunted a bear.

6. The wind blew in and the paper fell down u__________ the ground.

7. Bees and butterflies will fly away when the A____________ showers come.

8. It’s cold today. The temperature is b_________ zero.

9. The poor man had a bad cold and c_________ out blood.

10. The river is three meters d________ and ten meters wide.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的15-16学期初二上册英语Unit 7 Seasons同步练习题,怎么样,大家还满意吗?希望对大家的学习有所帮助,同时也祝大家学习进步,考试顺利!


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