




( )1. _______ good time we have_______ basketball.

A. What a; to play B. How; playing

C. What a; playing D. How; to play

( )2. Which of the following rhymes with days?

A. says B: obeys C. keys D. babies

( ) 3. -_______ is your home from the park? -It's_______.

A. How long; two kilometers far away

B. How far; about very far from

C. How long; a little far away

D. How far; two kilometers from here

( )4. Be_______! Your father is sleeping, he is_______ tired.

A. quiet; quietly B. quite; quiet

C. quietly; quite D. quiet; quite

( ) 5. We often play_______ quiet streams or_______ the shade of the big trees lazy summer afternoons.

A. near; in; in B. by; under; on

C. close to; in; in D. beside to; in; on

( )6. -_______.

-I've got a bad cold.

A. What's wrong with you? B. What's your trouble?

C. What's happened to you? D. All the above.

( ) 7. I have finished what I can do about the work. The rest_______ too hard for me to do.

A. are B. do C. does D. is

( ) 8. The weather in China is quite different from_______ in Australia.

A. that B. it C. one D. those

( )9. We found_______ to sleep.

A. difficult to get B. it difficult getting

C. it difficult to get D. that difficult to get

( ) 10. I don't like winter_______ it's too cold.

A. and B. but C. or D. because

现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备的初二年级上册英语练习很关键呢?欢迎大家阅读与选择!





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