


威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初二上册英语第六单元同步检测题的相关内容,以便于供大家参考和运用,接下来和小编一起加油哦!


(   )1. The boss made the workers ________ten hours a day.

A. work     B. to work   C. working    D. worked

(   )2. There will be ________space for wildlife in the world.

A. fewer and fewer                     B. less and less

C. fewer and less                       D. less and fewer

(   )3. — _________ did Susan look after the pet?

—She did it carefully.

A. WhenB. How           C. WhereD. What

(   )4. — I cleaned the square just now. Please don’t ________ litter.

—Yes, madam.

A. make   B. have              C. fall        D. drop

(   )5.  English is very ______ and all the students know t he ________ of the English study.

A. important ; importance          B. Importance ; important

C. importance ; importance             D. Important ; important

(   )6. I _________ unhappy if I don’t do well in the exam.

A. be     B. will be          C. will      D. won’t be

(   )7. D aniel found _________ easy to make a bird cage with some wood.

A. it      B. that        C. this            D. them

(   )8. I _________ the teacher carefully but I _________ anything

A. listened to; didn’t hear       B. heard; didn’t listen to

C. listen to; didn’t hear        D. hear; don’t listen to

(   )9.  — Grandma hurt her hand so you have to return ________ home earlier today.

—No problem.

A. back  B. to    C. back toD. /

(   )10. Don’t drop litter ________, throw it into the dustbin _________.

A. carefully, carefully    B. carefully, carelessly

C. c arelessly, carefully    D. carelessly, carelessly

(   )11. — I want to tell you about it by e-mail.

—OK. You can e-mail me ____________ susan@birds.com.

A. for      B. with        C. at            D. in

(   )12.  I hope you _________ good results in the exam.

A. to get        B. can get   C. getting   D. got

(   )13. Do you need more people ______ ____ you _________ the flowers?

A. help; water             B. to help; water

C. help; to water               D. to help; watering

(   )14. The film is one of ________ that I have seen. I almost slept in the cinema.

A. the most interesting      B. the least interesting

C. the most interested      D. the less interesting

(   )15. — Lucy, isn’t the talk boring?

—_________. You can learn a lot from it.

A. I think soB. That’s right    C. Yes, I  agree   D. No, not at all




精选初二上册英语同步练习:Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game  


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