


三、1. We both like doing the same things.

2. Tom / Sam has shorter hair than Sam / Tom.

3. We're playing tennis with the school team on Wednesday.

4. Tim usually takes the subway to school.

5. How often do you exercise?

四、1. staying  2. tired  3. walk   4. heavier  5. funny

6. bicycle  7. love  8. lesson  9. leaving  10. concert

1. How long 经常与延续性动词连用,又根据in Miami, 不能选leaving.

2. 根据题中的hungry, 其它的形容词与hungry不能形成对照的关系.

3. walk, next to school意思是:紧挨着学校.

4. heavier, all the time意思是:总是,一直.

5. funny, make sb. laugh意思是:逗某人大笑.

6. bicycle, ride her bicycle, 动词短语:骑自行车.

7. love, 表示很高兴接受别人的邀请时,常说: I'd love to. 意思是:我很乐意.



1. heavier  2. more serious  3. bigger  4. more difficult  5. younger

6. larger  7. longer   8. hotter  9. calmer   10. more athletic

六、1. often, visits, three, four times

2. same as, outgoing

3. clean, classroom

4. good at swimming

5. look the same

1. often, 每月拜访祖父母3到4次,表示频度用how often. 第一句中动词是does, 时态应该一致.

2. the same as和......相同,是固定短语.

4. be good at 擅长于......, at 是介词,后接动名词.

5. look the same 看上去一样,是固定短语.


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