



(  ) 1. The girl isn’t short. She is __________ than before.

A. short     B. tall       C. taller    D. shorter

(  ) 2. Li Ming and Lin Tao _________ black eyes.

A. has      B. have both    C. both have  D. both has

(  ) 3. John is ___________ than Peter.

A. funnier    B. fun        C. funny     D. more funny

(  ) 4. My sister is __________ more outgoing than me.

A. more     B. most       C. a little   D. little

(  ) 5. Her grandfather ___________ fishing on weekends.

A. likes going  B. like going   C. likes go   D. like to go

(  ) 6. I __________ a movie this Sunday.

A. watch     B. watches     C. watching   D. am watching

(  ) 7. A: Can you go to the concert with us?

B: ________.

A. I’d love to B. I’d like    C. I’d love  D. I’d like to

(  ) 8. I _______ a primary school student two years ago.

A. am       B. was       C. be      D. were

(  ) 9. He likes to do the same things _______ me.

A. in       B. on        C. like     D. as

(  )10. Maria is a student. ________ is good at swimming.

A. He       B. She       C. We      D. I


1. we, like, both, the, doing, same, things _______________________________.

2. Tom, has, than , Sam, shorter, hair ___________________________________.

3. on, We're, Wednesday, tennis, playing, with, school , the ,team


4. Tim, usually, school, subway, to, takes, the ____________________________.

5. do, how,  often, exercise, you?  ______________________________?

四. 根据句意,选择方框内所给的词语填空。

tired  staying  walk  heavier  funny  bicycle  love  lesson  leaving  concert

1. How long are you ________ in Miami?

2. Are you ________? No, I’ m hungry.

3. I live next to the school. I always ________ to school.

4. Peter eats all the time. He is really ________ than everyone in our class.

5. Lisa is so _______. She always makes everyone laugh.

6. Mary rides her _______ to school everyday.

7. Can you study with me? Yes, I’d _______ to.

8. Today I have a piano _______. So I can’t go shopping with you.

9. When are you ________ home?

10.Can you go to the pop ________ with me?


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