八年级上册英语四单元测试卷:What’s the best movie theater?



三、21.D    前文提到,在日本待了5年,因此“当我回来的时候,我的日语非常好”。when引导时间状语从句。

22.A   句意:……因此我待在家里无所事事。

23.B   play computer games玩电脑游戏,由句中的than可知选B项。

24.C   but表转折,由前句可知选C项。

25.D   句意:那2 000个词仍在等着我。wait for等待。

26.C   句意:我多么希望去外 面和我的朋友们踢足球啊!

27.A   in my mind在我的脑海里。

28.A   句意:它将比翻译工作有趣。

29.B   句意:我站起来,想要关掉电脑。turn off 关闭。

30.D   remember后用what引导宾语从句。

四、31.B    由第一段第五、六句The fire broke out three times in a year and four travelers died in the accidents. Most workers left there and found jobs in the other hotels.可知。

32.C    由第一段第五句The fire broke out three times in a year and four travelers died in the accidents.可知。

33.D   由第四段“The cheapest room in your hotel.”可知。

34.A   由倒数第二段“I’m afraid another fire will happen in your hotel. If it does, I’ll throw the rope out of the window so that I’ll be able to escape from it.”可知。

35.C   由最后一段“ Yes?” Mr. Johnson said in surprise. “So you have to pay for the bill before you go to  your room.”可知 。

36.T   由短文第一段第一句The old name for films was “moving pictures”.可知答案为T。

37.F   由第一段第二句中...they say “Shall we go to the movies?”...可知答案为F。

38.F   由文中男孩所说的话可知,他只提到图片,未说到box“箱子”,故答案为F。

39.F   由第二段末句可知,男孩的朋友喜欢的是moving pictures而并非pictures,故答案为F。

40.T   题目句意为:“当男孩问‘你喜欢moving pictures吗?’这句话时,他的朋友没有理解。”通读全文可知是正确的。(男孩→“搬运图画”←moving pictures→“电影”←男孩的朋友)

五、41. cheaper 42. worse  43. the quietest 44. friendlier  45. lovely

46. winner 47. talented 48. performers 49. kinds  50. beautifully

六、One possible version:

There are three restaurants near our school. Of all the three, House of Long Noodles has the best quality and the friendliest service. Most of us like it although its food is the most expensive. The food in House of Big Dumplings is a little cheaper than that in House of Long Noodles, but it has the worst service, and its quality isn’t good enough. As for 7 Onion Restaurant, its food is the cheapest and it has better service. However, it has the worst quality of the three restaurants.






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