八年级上学期英语第二章同步练习:What’s the matter?



7.. His father __ a doctor.

A. wants him to be   B. wants to him be   C. want to be him   D. want to him be

8. I think the best way to keep healthy is ___ exercise. A. for  B. through  C. in  D. with

9. Mo Yan is a Chinese ____. He won a Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) in2012.

A. writer    B. teacher    C. dentist    D. actor.

10. ____ hamburgers are junk food, ____ many children like them.

A. Although; /   B. Although; but   C. Because; /   D. Because; so

11. --- I’m getting fatter and fatter. – You should eat ___ meat and do ___ exercise.

A. more; more   B. more; less   C. less; less   D. less; more

12.____ the man is a worker.  A. May be   B. Maybe   C. May   D. Be

13. Don’t ____ too late, or you’ll be tired during daytime.

A. get up    B. set up    C. stay up    D. show up

14. My mother has ______ to do every day.

A. a lot of housework  B. many housework  C. much houseworks  D. lot of housework.

15. She often gives her baby ____ to eat

A. healthy something  B. healthy anything  C. something healthy  D. something health

16. ___ were you away from Shanghai last year? – About two weeks.

A. How often   B. How soon   C. How long   D. How far

17. I often spend much time ____my grandparents. A. in   B. with   C. in   D. to

18. Forty percent of the students ____ girls . A. is   B. are   C. be  D. am

19. Here ___ the results of the people’s favorite supermarkets in the city.

A. have    B. has   C. is   D. are

20.Tom’s mother asks him _____ the room.  A. clean   B. cleans   C. to clean   D. to cleans


(A)   Jeff has an illness. He is recording (录音)his words so that his little son will be able to hear his voice in the future.

Jeff caught the illness in 2011. The doctor told him that he might have only two to five years to live and the illness would make him lose his voice, so he decided to record his voice for his 13-month-otd son, Bill.

His wife Gina said, “Jeff used to play and sing in a band, so his voice is important to him. I can't imagine not having his voice around. I would certainly like Bill to know his father's voice in this way.”

Jeff and his wife hope that they can save his real voice for their little son. He now spends his weekends and evenings recording his voice. Their little son, Bill, will feel his parents’ love when he grows up.


21. Jeff caught the illness in 2011.

22. Jcff’s illness would make him become blind.

23. Jeff still plays and sings in a band now.

24. Jeff now spends his weekends and evenings recording his voice.

25. The parents hope that Bill will feel their love by hearing his father’s voice.


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