新学期初二英语第三单元同步练习:Unit 3



24. -- Annie plays the piano very ___________ (well).

-- Sue plays it _________ (well) than Annie. And Sally plays it the  __________ (well).

25. Saturday is my _________ (busy) day in a week.

26. A  dictionary is much _________ (expensive) than a story-book.

27. Her mother is getting ____________(fat) and _________ (fat).

28. I think it' s too expensive. I' d like a _____________ (cheap) one.

29. He comes to school much____________ (early) than I.

30.This book is not as _____________ (interesting) as that one.

31. Your classroom is __________(wide) and ___________(bright) than    ours.

32. Practise as __________ (much) as you can.

33. The _________ (much), the ____________ (good).

34. Nowadays English is _________ (important ) than any other subject,  1 think.

35. Most of the students think a lion is much _________ (dangerous) than  a bear and it is the _________ (dangerous) animal in the world.


1. He is as taller as I am.             _________

2. She is a little thiner than she looks.         _________

3. Bob is heavier than any other boys in the class.      _________

4. Your garden is much larger than their.        _________

5. It is one of the most interesting book than I have ever read. _________

6. He says Mary is most friendliest person in the class.     _________

7. Which city is most beautiful, Beijing or Guangzhou?    _________

8. Jack works hard. Mike works very harder than Jack.      _________

9. London is the bigger city in Britain.         _________

10.Bob plays football badly but Fred plays football much badlier than  Bob.                 _________


1. 本书跟那本书一样有趣。

This book is ___________ ___________ ___________ that one.

2. 你游泳没有你弟弟好。

You can’t swim ___________ ___________ ___________ your  brother.

3. 今天比昨天冷的多。

It is ___________ ___________ today___________ it was yesterday.


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