初二上册七单元测试题:will people have robots单元检测题



要想学好英语就必须大量反复地做题,为此,精品小编为大家整理了这篇初二上册七单元测试题:will people have robots单元检测题,以供大家参考!




1.A. B. C.. ( )

2.A. B. . C. ( )

3.A. B. . C. ( )

4.A. B. C. ( )

5. ( )

A.   B. C. C.

第二节:听独白,完成 信息记录表(10分)

Future life

The boy probably work ______________6_in ten years

He will go to work ____________7_ in ten years

He will live in an apartment with his friends because ____________8_

He wil l go fishing ____________9_

He will probably wear ___________10__on weekends .




11.There _______ a robot in every home.

A.will have B.will be C.are D.are going to be

12.Last year I went to Beijing and ________ it.

A.fell in love with B.fell love with C.fall love in D.fell in love to

13.I will be an engineer ____ ten years.

A.after B.in C.at D.on

14.There will be less ________.

A.trees B.people C.pollution D.cars

15.It may take _________ years to make such robots .

A.hundred of B.two hundreds C.hundreds of D.hundred

16. He seems________.

A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. to happy

17.She plays ______ today.

A.the football B.the tennis C.the guitar D.piano

18.I think there will be _____ people and ______pollution.

A. less, fewer B. less, more C. fewer, less D.fewer, fewer

19.He will call me if he ________ in Beijing.

A.reaches B.arrives C.will arrive D.gets

20.Kids will study at home ____ computers ____ a hundred years.

A.in, on B.by, after   C.on, in D.in, for

21. Wei Hua knows only ________ French.

A.a few B.a little C.little D.few

22.Paul always makes his sister ______.

A.crying B.to cry C.cried D.cry

23.He is so old that he can _____ himself now.

A.wear B.dress C.put on D.take off

24.Computers will ________ by most people in the future.

A.use B.used C. be used D.be using

25. We have to wear _____ uniform to school.

A. a B. an C. the D. /


阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中选出最佳选项

One day, a taxi driver 41 a woman home from a party. The woman had her dog 42 her. When they 43 her house, the woman found that she 44 take money with her. 45 the driver had to 46 in the car with the dog when she 47 her house for money. He waited and waited. Half 48 hour later the woman did not come back. So the driver went 49 his car to 50 what was going on. While he 51 around the house, the police came. They thought that he 52 a thief. 53 the woman came back. She said she forgot about the dog and the driver. The driver was 54 angry to 55 her for the money and went away quickly.

26.A.was take    B.was taking    C.were taking    D.were take ( )

27.A.for B.of C.with D.from ( )

28.A.arrived     B.got      C.got to      D.arrived in ( )

29.A.doesn’t   B.didn’t    C.don’t     D.wasn’t ( )

30.A.Because  B.When  C.So    D.While ( )

31.A.wait   B.waited      C.waiting    D.waits ( )

32.A.went into    B.goes into    C.go into     D.to go into ( )

33.A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )

34.A.off   B.on    C.out of   D.into ( )

35.A.found   B.look for   C.look after    D.find out ( )

36 .A.walk     B.walks      C.was walking  D.walking ( )

37.A.is    B.was  C.were      D.are ( )

38.A.Luck B.Lucky C.Unluckily D.Luckily ( )

39.A.very B.so C.too D.such ( )

40.A .ask B.asking C.asked D.asks ( )

本文就为大家介绍到这里了,希望这篇初二上册七单元测试题:will people have robots单元检测题可以对您的学习有所帮助。


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