Can you come to my party初二上册英语测试题



16. Let the old man________ the bus first.

A. get on B. to get up

C. to get on D. getting up

17. --Can you sing the song_______ English?

--Yes, I can.

A. with B. for C. to D. in

18. The cinema is far_______ our school.

A. to B. on C. from D. of

19. --Would you like some tea?

--Yes, just_____.

A. a few B. some C. a little D. little bit

20.—What a nice meal ! Thank you for having us.


A. It doesn’t matter B. It was a pleasure

C. Not nice enough D. With pleasure


—Yes, please. I’d like half a kilo of meat.

A. Would you like some meat or fish

B. What about something to eat

C. How do you like this

D. Can I help you

22.—Can you go to the Great Wall with us tomorrow?


A. Yes, I can’t B. I’m afraid I can

C. Sorry, I may not D. I’m sorry, I can’t

23. He went to England by______ plane.

A./ B. the C. a D. an

24. Usually in winter there’s _______ ice in the north.

A. few B. many C. too much D. much too

25. They reached Beijing ____ the morning of July 6.

A. in B. on C. at D. from

26. —The sandwich is delicious.

—Would you like _____ one?

A. other B. others C. another D. the other

27. I’m sure he would love_____.

A. come B. to come C. coming D. too

28. I’m not feeling______. I have to stay in bed.

A. good B. well C. bad D. tired

29. My father isn’t in_______ the moment.

A. on B. for C. to D. at


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