初二上册英语同步练习What are you doing for vacation



我们经常听见这样的问题:你的英语怎么那么好啊?教教我诀窍吧?其实学习这门课没有什么窍门。只要你多练习总会有收获的,希望小编的这篇初二上册英语同步练习What are you doing for vacation,能够帮助到您!


1. _________ my sister照顾妹妹

2. go _______ 去野因营

3. ______ at home在家休息

4. go _______去观光

5. have a good time = have ____= enjoy ________玩得很高兴

6. show sb sth = show sth to sb把什么给某人看

7. get ______to回到

8. go ______ for too long 离开很久

9. go ______ in the mountains去爬山

10. go bike ______去骑车

11. _______ walks散步

12. go _____去钓鱼

13. _____ videos租碟子

14. think____思考

15._____to do sth决定做某事

16. decide on sth 选定

17. tell the differences between 区分

18. ______ a long vacation度长假

19. in the beautiful________美丽的郊外

20. ______ to do sth计划做某事

21. _______ all my problems 忘记所有的问题

22.can’t wait to do sth迫不及待做某事

23. sleep a lot睡足

24. spend on sth / spend in doing sth花费时间/金钱做某事

25. in Europe在欧洲

26. _____ French说法语

27. come ______ France来自法国

28. ask sb about sth 寻问某人某事

29.ask sb(not) to do sth叫某人做某事=tell sb (not) to do sth

30. The Great Wall长城

31. something _____ 不同的事 32. take … with 携带


1. What are you doing ____ vacation? I’m babysitting my sister.

2. Who are you going with? I’m going with my parents.

3. ____多久are they staying ? I’m staying for three weeks.

4. When are you going? _____在 the 11th.

5. Send me a postcard from Hong Kong.

6, ____展示 me your photos when we_______回到 to school.

7. Can I ask you a few questions about your vacation plans?

8, He is famous for singing.= He is famous as a singer.

9, He is _____ 度假a long vacation this summer.

10, He thought about ______去to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada.

11, I know there are many people there who speak French.

12, He is ______离开 the first week in June and staying until September.

13, He plans to have a very______ 放松的 vacation.

14, I’m ______计划 to spend time in the beautiful countryside.

15. I hope I can forget all my problems!



1.One of the t is from Japan. He likes travelling to China a lot.

2.I like living in the c because of its fresh air.

3.There are many animals and plants in the n .


1.He has been away ( )school for three days.

2. Hangzhou is famous ( )the West Lake.

3. Hangzhou is famous ( )a beautiful city.

4.He left ( )Shanghai from Beijing yesterday.

5.Can I ask you a few questions ( )your vacation plans?

6.What are you doing ( )vacation?

7.I am spending time ( ) my friends.

8.I spent 3000yuan ( )this coat.


1.He plans ( )(go) to see his teacher tomorrow.

2.Can you finish ( )(do) your homework by ten?

3.Germany is a ( )country.(Europe)

4.They ( )(go) to Dalian for vacation next week.

5. When you leave ,don’t forget ( )(lock ) the door.

6.He was thinking about ( )(go)to Greece for vacation,but he decided ( ) Canada.

7.I can’t wait ( )(open ) the box.


1.——How ( ) has he been away from his hometown. ——For three years.

A long Bsoon C often Dfar


1.去宿营 2.去徒步旅行 3.回到学校

4.远离 5. 去观光 6.去钓鱼

7.去度假 8.照看自己的小妹妹 9.那听起来不错

10.在一片纸上 11.骑自行车 12.散步

13.在度假 14.不同的事物 15.在乡下


1.Please send me a book .=Please send a book ( ) ( ).

2.Show me your photos when you get back to school.= Show your photos ( )( )when you get back to school.






由精品小编提供给大家的这篇初二上册英语同步练习What are you doing for vacation就到这里了。小编提醒大家,只要功夫到了总会有收获呢,赶紧行动吧!愿您学习愉快!


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