


( ) 13. — When did you hear the news that Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature(文学)? —________.

A. Until I came back home B. For two hours C. Not until last month D. In half an hour

( ) 14. ________ the earthquake happened, most of the people ________ at home.

A. While; were sleeping B. When; slept C. While; slept D. When; were sleeping

( ) 15. I hear that there ____ a basketball match this afternoon.

A. will have B. will has C. is going to have D. will be

( ) 16. You look good ______red and blue looks nice _______you, too.

A. on, on B. in, in C. on, in D. in, on

( ) 17. We have got everything ready, so we need___________.

A. else something B. something else C. nothing else D. else nothing

( ) 18. That restaurant is ________ people, and they look very ________.

A. full with, happy B. fill with,happily C. full of, happy D. fill to,happily

( ) 19. John often tells us funny jokes.________ he is !

A.what a funny boy B.What funny boy C.How funny boy D.How a funny boy

( ) 20. -I’m sorry I ______ my exercise book at home. -Don’t forget _______ it to school tomorrow, please.

A. forgot, to take B. left, to bring C. forgot, to bring D. left, to take


One day,I was reading a newspaper when my wife(妻子)called,“Will you 1 here and make your baby daughter eat her food?”

I threw the 2___ away and rushed to my 8-year-old daughter, Sinduja. In front of her was a bowl full of rice. She said to me," Dad, __3_ __ I eat all the rice, will you give me whatever(无论什么) I ask for?" " Certainly ,”I promised(答应).

“Dad,I want to have my hair 4_ from my head this Sunday !”she said. I felt a little sur¬prised. “Sinduja,why don't you ask for something else? We will be 5__ when seeing you with a clean-shaven(剃光的)head.”

“Dad,you have promised to give me __6____I ask for,”Sinduja cried.“Now,you are breaking(违背)your promise!”

On Monday morning, I dropped(送) her at the 7 . I watched my hairless Sinduja walking towards her classroom. Just then, a boy with a 8___ head got down from a car, and shouted,“Sinduja,please 9 for me !”

“Sir, your daughter Sinduja is __10__ indeed(真正地)!” A lady(女士) got out of the __11__ , and continued(继续),“That boy who is walking along with your daughter is my son,Harish. He is ___12___ from lukemia(白血病).He lost all his hair because of the effects(影响) of the chemotherapy (化疗).He was afraid that his classmates would laugh at him, so he 13__ to come back to school. Sinduja visited him last week. I __14__ imagined(推测) she would give up her lovely hair for my son!”

I stood there, unable to move or speak. “Thank you,my little Angel(天使). You are teaching me how selfless(无私的) real love is! ”I thought.


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