


(    )95.You are late for the meeting.Why         you come earlier?

A.not    B don’t    C.haven’t    D_didn’t

(    )96.They are handing             leaflets in the street.

A.in    13.out    C.back  D on

(    )97.They hoped           this place again.

A our visiting    B that we will visit

C us to  D that we could visit

(    )98. He seems ________ today for he has passed the exam.

A. to happy     B. be unhappy    C. happy    D. happily

(    )99. The president of the meeting ___ documents to each member.

A. gives up     B. gives in  C. gives out    D. gives off

(    )100. Mr Li was ill, so Mr Zhang took his lesson _______ him.

A. of      B. to      C. instead      D. instead of

(    )101. The sport meeting has to put off _____the bad weather.

A. because    B. because of    C. so      D. with、

(   )102. He concerns the match very much, so he keeps ___ me the       result.

A. to ask      B. asks      C. ask      D. asking

(    )103. I can’t wait to see my penfriend in USA. How I wish I ______.

A. can fly     B. will fly     C. could fly    D. would fly

(    )104. _______ the radio, please. I want to listen to the weather report.

A. Turn off      B. Turn on      C. Close     D. Open

(    )105. I _____ you will like the fashion show.

A. hope     B. wish     C. want     D. like

(    )106. The meeting will __________ at 8 o’clock.

A. hold     B. holding    C. held      D. be held

(    )107. It is raining. So I have to read at home instead of _________.

A. playing outside     B. play outside

to play outside      D. played outside

(   )108.I ______ you to wake me up earlier tomorrow than usual.

A. hope  B. hoped  C. want D. wishes

(   )109.I wish ______.

A. I can fly  B. I am flying C. I could fly D. I will fly

(    )110.They wanted the show to ______.

A. good  B. wonderful   C. be well D. be good

(    )111. Which charity helps protect rivers and lakes in China?

A. Project Green Hope. B. Spring Bud Project.

C. Save China's Tigers. D. Project Hope.

(   )112.I go on ______ at 9 a.m., but I arrived at the hospital before 8 a. m. because of many other ______.

A. duty; duties B. duties; duty   Cduties; duties D.duty; duty

(   )113.Mary's mother was ill ______ she had to take care of her.

A. but  B. so  C. or  D. because

(   )114.Many children ______ me Happy New Year.

A. want  B. tell    C. hope    D. Wish

(   )115. His winning a gold medal was a great ______ of that year.

A. accident B. thing    C. matter D. event

(   )116. The young lady was ______ the money to the poor children.

A. gave out B. giving out   C. give upD. gives up

(   )117. We found her greatly ______ after watching the ______ TV play.

A. exciting; excited B. excited; excited

C. exciting; exciting  D. excited; exciting

(   )118. I ______ it ______ rain tomorrow morning.

A. hope; would not  B. don't hope; will

C. don't hope; would  D. hope; won’t

(   )119.Amy seemed ______ after she finished all her homework.

A. to happy B. be happy   C. to be happy D. happily

(   )120.The movie was ______ boring so I wanted to leave the cinema early.

A. a few  B. little    C. a little bit   D. bit

(   )121. It was a great surprise to everyone ______ John changed his mind so soon.

A. Why B. how    C. that    D. when

(   )122.A host is a person who ______ programs in a show.

A. to host B. host    C. hosts  D. hosting

(   )123. After hearing the bad news, he seemed__________.

A. sad     B. to sad     C. sadly     D. be sad

(   )124. He’s never visited France , ______he?

A. isn’t     B. is     C. has       D. hasn’t

(   )125. Be_________, please. You should practice speaking_____.

A. loud, loud  B. loudly, loudly    C. loud, loudly    D. loudly, loud

(   )126. He didn’t attend the activity _____ the heavy snow.

A. because     B. as     C. since      D. because of

(   )127. I thought I _____ climb the top of the mountain.

A. will be able to     B. am able to

C. would be able to   D. could be able to

(   )128. I was happy because I was chosen_____ of the charity show.

A. be the host   B. being the host

C. to be the host   D. was the host

(   )129. Many kids find_____ interesting to play computer games.

A. this      B. that     C. it     D. it was

(   )130. ______ a week do you go to the library?    Twice a week.

A. How far    B. How long

C. How often    D. How many times

(   )131. His bike_____ so he had to take a taxi.

A. is broken   B. was broken    C. broke    D. broken

(   )132. Now mobile phones can take pictures_______ cameras.

A. with    B. of   C. as    D. like

(   )133. Look, it’s going to rain.  Really? ____. I don’t take an umbrella with me.

A. Please don’t    B. I think so   C. Good idea   D. I hope not

(   )134. It was too noisy_____ we couldn’t hear_____ he said at the meeting.

A. so, that   B. so, what    C. that, what     D. for, that

(   )135. John_____ Mary for 3 years.

A. has married      B. has got married to

C. has been married to   D. has been married with

(   )136. I hope my parents_____ ask me about my studies.

A. not     B. not to    C. won’t D. don’t

(   )137. We don’t believe_____ little children can do_____ much work.

A. so, so    B. so such   C. such, so    D. such, such

(   )138. _____ the story sound_____?

A. Is, interesting     B. Is, interested

C. Does, interesting   D. Does, interested

(   )139. Our English teacher’s_____ is very sweet, do you think so?

A. sound    B. noise    C. voice   D. sing

(   )140. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.  _____________.

A.  Thank you     B. Really, I don’t think so

C. It doesn’t matter   D. I never mind

(   )141 TV and radio programmers_____ the other of the world with the help of satellites.

A. can send to    B. can send to

C. can be sent on   D. can be sent to

(   )142. He was walking to school_____ he was hit by a bike this morning.

A. while   B. when    C. as    D. so

(   )143. Do you hope all of us_____ the test?

A. to pass   B. passing   C. will pass    D. A, B and C

(   )144. Who_____ out the wet raincoat? Li Lei did.

A. hung   B. hanged    C. is hung     D. was hung

(   )145. It is such_____ that you must _____ on it.

A. hard work, work hard           B. a hard work, hard work

C. hard working, work hard         D. work hard, work hard

(   )146. The TV is still on, please tell him_____.

A. not to forget to turn it on     B. not to forget to turn it off

C. to not forget to turn on it     D. not to forget to turn off it

(   )147. Mr. Smith hopes his son_____ a good job_____ his when he finishes university.

A. to have, likes    B. to have, like

C. will have, likes    D. will have, like

(   )148..There is ___ “h”,____ “a” and ___ “s” in the word “has”.

A. a, a, an   B. an, an, an  C. a, an, an  D. an, a, an

(   )149..There are some birds________ in the sky.

A. flying B. to fly    C. flew    D. are flying

(   )150._________ computer is my job..

A.To sell    B. Sell  .     C. Sold    D. Sell to

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初二年级英语下册基础知识词汇暑假作业题,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读!





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