


2016年暑假已经到来,家长在在暑假中一定督促孩子认真完成作业和注意假期安全。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初二年级暑假英语填空作业题,供大家参考。

1.You can become a ___ ___ children who will ___ ___ ___ you. (你将成为崇拜你的小孩子的偶像) 2.I just want to ___ ___ ___ the date for next party .(我只是想提醒他下次联欢会的日期) 3.Can you ___ ___(组成) some sentences with these words ? 4.The a___ asked the singer to sing a folk song 5.He went home after g___ from our school 6.He listened to the report without c____ 7.My s___ is that we go to the cinema 8.S___ this bag of sweets with your friends 9.In England ,r____ menus often describe food as it's something new . 10.O___ the wrong thing can be a problem . 11.After about 20 days ' travel ,I arrived s___ here . 12.He p___ up and down the sidewalk . 13.We o___ a picnic last Sunday. 14.The effect of the medicine on the sick man was m___. 15.同义句转换: A.The two books are almost the same. B.The book is ___ ___ that one.

1.god of, think highly of 2.remind him of 3.make up 4.audience 5.graduating 6.care 7.suggestion 8.Share 9.real 10.Obeying 11.safely 12.paces 13.organized 14.made 15.similar to

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初二年级暑假英语填空作业题,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读!





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