


威廉希尔app 为大家搜集整理了八年级英语暑假作业测试题,希望大家可以用心去做,不要只顾着玩耍哦!

一、单项选择 ( 15分 )

1. I sat at my desk unhappily      A  usual.

A. as     B. with     C. what     D. if

2. Would you mind   C   me how     English words?

A. tell ;to remember      B. telling ;remember

C. telling ;to remember   D. tell ;remember

3 .It’s very important   B    you to play on Star search.

A. to     B. for      C. with     D. at

4. I don’t know if he    A   tomorrow .If he      ,I’ll meet him.

A. will come ;comes       B. comes ;comes

C. will come ;will come    D. comes ; will come

5. I’m not sure  D   it’s a good idea.

A. that   B. what     C. how      D. if

6. She told us her visit was about    C   friends.

A. make   B. made     C. making

7. This TV programme isn’t true C   life, but the children all like it.

A. at     B. in       C. to

8. We were face to face   C  death during the avalanche (雪崩).

A. by     B. around   C. with

9. “Have you already got well?”She asked.

She asked     B       .

A. if I have already got well ,hadn’t you   B.whether I had already got well

C. have I already got well      D. if I have already got well

10. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25   A    Christmas Day.

A. is     B. was      C. has been

11. They didn’t start the work   A   their teacher came back.

A. until   B. while    C. as soon as

12. Not bad   A   a ten-year-old boy.

A. for    B. of       C. to

13. I’d see elephants, lions and   C     .

A. another animals

B. other animal

C. all the other animals

14. Don’t forget  B   your photo here tomorrow.

A. take   B. to bring   C. bring

15. The question is   _B____ that nobody can answer it.

A. very hard        B. too difficult

C. enough strange   D. so strange

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的八年级英语暑假作业测试题,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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