




16. The underlined part in the word “ nature ”is pronounced as _____.

A. /e /        B. /ei/        C. /æ/      D /ai/

17. –Do you know _____ the sports meeting lasted?

--Three days, from April 11th to 13th .

A. how often       B. how about      C. how long     D. how soon.

18. –Would you like to watch the three-D film Titanic with me?

--Certainly. I don’t mind seeing it again although I _____ it twice.

A. saw        B. was seen       C. have seen      D. had seen

19. –Many boy students think math is _____ English.

--I agree. I’m weak in English.

A. much difficult than             B. so difficult as

C. less difficult than               D. more difficult than

20. Again and again the doctor _____ the crying girl, but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with her.

A. looked over     B. looked after     C. looked for     D. looked up

21. If you don’t go for a picnic tomorrow, _____.

A. me, too.     C. so do I      C. neither do I     D. neither will I .

22. _____ more about the city, you can buy this book to read.

A. To know     B. Knowing     C. Know      D. Knew

23. _____ beautifully Veginar sings! I have never heard _____ voice.

A. How, a better    B. How, the better   C. What, a good    D. What, the best

24. Our talent show got _____ a great success _____ we became popular stars in our school.

A. so,  that    B. such,  that     C. so,  to    D. such,  to

25. –Could I _____ this book?

--Sure. But you can only _____ it for one week.

A. lend, borrow    B. borrow, lend    C. keep, lend    D. borrow, keep

26. --_____ of them knows Japanese, so I have to ask a third person for help.

--You’d better ask Tom for help. He is good at Japanese.

A. Neither        B. All          C. Both         D. None

27. –Excuse me, could you tell me _____?

--Sorry, I’m a stranger here.

A. where can I have my hair cut       B. how can I go to the bank

C. why the post office is closed        D. when will the park open

28. –How much of his speech do you think you have understood?

--_____. I wish I had worked harder.

A. Quite a few     B. Very few    C. Next to nothing    D. Quite a lot

29. –Have you decided where to spend your summer holiday?

--Not yet. We _____ go to Hong Kong.

A. may           B. must           C. should          D. need

30. –I’m really sorry for my carelessness.

-- _____.

A. It’s not a big deal               B. You’re welcome

C. Take care next time             D. That’s almost right.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的初二英语暑假作业练习,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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