



Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)

1. I think you have a f     . Let me take your temperature.

2. I usually walk to school on f     , but sometimes I ride my bike.

3. My father is very tired now, and he wants to r     for an hour.

4. If you get into     (苦恼), we’ll help you out. Don’t worry.

5. To my     (惊奇), the traffic is so heavy at this time in the street.

Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

1. You’d better brush your     (tooth)twice a day.

2. There are so many     (passenger)on the bus, so it’s really crowded.

3. Bad luck! Little Jenny cut     (she)with a knife yesterday.

4. When she saw an old woman     (lie)on the side of the road, she called 120 at once.

5. At that time the young man only thought about     (save)a life.

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的八年级第二学期英语暑假作业,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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